
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by jakob hunter, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    So this is a map i started a while ago and decided to fix up last night. I improved the map alot to enhance the gameplay. It is a really fun map for my KOTH gametype Dogfight. The hill markers are flying in the air and you have banshees and hornets to get inside the hill. The hill markers are really big though. (if this thread should be in mini games please move it).


    The story is that two small transport ships landed on this remote ring in search for supplies and to re-fuel. But they didnt expect to run in to each other. Now they must battle it out in the skies for the supplies. Unfortunately there are this falling every where in the sky and many floating objects that make it hard to get to the next hill.

    The game should be played with 6-10 people 3-5 on each team (the game only works with 2 teams dont mess it up). You start out in the hanger of you teams ship there you will find banshees or you will start on a hornet landing pad with rockets and a hornet. You must stay in the hill keeping the other team out to gain points. For when you fal on the ground with no transportation you can either find a wraith, missle pod, or AA gun to shoot down the flying opponate or you could just run the teleporter taking you back to your hanger (or the enemies hanger) you also run really fast and have 75% gravity so you can get arounf the map faster. There are anti-air/veichle weapons on the map and a sword and a grav-hammer. There are fusion coils falling from the sky that you must dodge. It would be wise to have at least one person near the hill markers on the other side of the map for quick access. The only honor rule is have fun.

    Now the moment you all have been waiting for, the pictures!

    one teams ship

    the other teams ship

    stuff floating

    More stuff floating

    The AA gun (one on each side

    Floating hill marker

    Turret base

    other turret base

    Cave hill marker

    The soccerball and view of hanger

    There are a few easter eggs on this map but im only showing you guys one.

    J.H (Jakob Hunter)

    Thankyou for viewing my post and i hope ou download the game and map because it only plays well with my game and i forgot all the traits of the game sorry about that.
    -Jakob Hunter

    Dogfight Map

    Dogfight Game

    Please constructive critisism and comments and complements when you post No spam and please post to tell me what you think of it

    While downloading enjoy this pic i made:


    This map post is also in casual maps i need a moderator to delete that one please
  2. Mr Lucifer Morningstar

    Senior Member

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    It looks like a decent map. I like the A.A. guns. The only thing I suggest is that instead of random floating boxes you put floating structures. It would serve the same purpose but also look much better. Hope to see an even better version on sandbox ;)
  3. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    it isnt supposed to be an asthetic map i just added the ships and floating structures take to many objects and dont cover enough area and yes i am going to make a much better version on sandbox once i get it or if i get it
  4. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    I actually like most every part of this map... except your AA guns. Unless if you have a massive power handicap, this is too much power. The scorpion is like the sniper of small-med vehicles. Its fast, accurate, and packs a punch of what is it? 90mm? Anyways I would probably exchange the scorpion for a wraith. Less accurate, slower, and more dramatic ;). If this is a dogfight, you'd probably want the power on the dogs...banshees...whatever.

    Anyways, I actually like dogfights. Airborne obstacles are nice (little too much maybe) but it's a nice idea to add more challenge.

    Falling fusion coils- what is this a meteor shower? Definitely adds more effect... and it makes me laugh.

    Overall, I'm actually impressed, not too many try to pull this stunt. Good incorporation of KOTH and nice job with the map.
  5. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    well actually the scorpions are hooked in one place and are not that much of a deal and there are hidden wraiths on the map but thatnks for the nice comments guys :)
  6. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    I am sorry but the dog fight map by quinnhasagun is much better, this does not look good and the aa gun ruins it

  7. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    thanks for the honest opinion his is really good i really agree with you but his is a differant style than mine and did you even play mine the aa gun does nothing to the game play at all it get destoyed really fast but thanks for the honest opinion anyway
  8. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool. Might get a party today and play it. The AA guns will make it a bit funner, but I sugest switching them with wraiths
    4/5 until I play
  9. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    there are wraiths already on the map but they are kinda out of sight and suck at hitting anything except a stationary banshee or hornet

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
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    This isn't a terrible map, I see the idea's you have but those immovable objects are going to get in the way BIG time. I'm not sure if the hill inside the cave is such a great idea, there is very little room in there (plus the Man-cannons). Finally, The forgeing is very sloppy (Yes I realize its not an asetic map, but looking nice is still a plus)
    You should have some freinds play-test it with you and see what they think.

    P.S. Your backstory was funny... in a bad way, sorry. (Grammer is good on Forgehub.)
  11. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    well i never really ment for this to be a major project but i thought was a good idea (i had never seen your maps) and i wanted people to adapt it i am going to make a much better version once i get Mythic maps i already have some good ideas for it and this one will be a major project from me. But this dogfight map was just a test basicly and i did not even care to check my post for grammer so sorry about that :) thanks for posting what you think constructive critisism is recemended other wise i might think no one loves me and that would be sad :( lol

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
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    I never said that you copied off my map, I never even mentioned it =). Just giving constructive criticism, like you said. And don't freak out like that (Quote). Because I didn't try to compare yours to mine in any way, I'm giving advice from experience. I can't say your "test" is good or bad, then I wouldn't be speaking from experience. I hope your ideas turn out well!

    P.S. The grammar thing just bugs me, it's no big deal... and the Tanks (un-like what that guy said) are inaccurate as hell, not a giant vehicle sniper.

    EDIT: edited big time due to stupid word choices on my part.

    EDIT 2: But I'm not angry, that's what I mean. =)
    #12 QUINN HAS A GUN, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  13. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    oh i never was trying to intend that you were saying i stole from your map because i knw you didnt im sorry that it soundd that way but i do think your map is really good

    EDIT: they were not that stupid of word choices i would probably be upset with me to if i thought that
    #13 jakob hunter, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009

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