This is the first map i made where i actually spent time trying to do here some pics if you wan to download it click here Halo 3 File Details THE NEIGHBORHOOD THE WATCH POINT THE HOUSES ALIEN HOUSE ALIEN'S WEAPONERY (DIDN'T GET A GOOD PICTURE FOT THIS ONE POLICE STATION POLICE WEAPONERY MANSION! this map is made for infection I am going to make a game for this house called the criminal i am going to post it by Saturday
your screenshots arent working. Go to and look up your gamertag. then copy and paste the BB code once you fix them, i will delete what i just said and review your map!
Even the ones on your profile at don't work. Fix it and then post them. Same as Gunnergrunt, fix it and I'll put my opinion.
In case that didn't make since to you how they said it there is a link in my signature about how to post. Thanks and have a good day.
your screenshots aren't working, go here to learn how to put them on Also make sure you take the pictures while connected to x box live
Start a game for the map you want to show. After starting it, end the game. Go into theater mode and start the game. Pause it and take pictures (Press "X" and select the camera icon). Go on the internet to your service record (on and take a look at your recent pictures. Click on "View in High Res" for the ones you want to use, and download them to your computer. Upload them to a photo site, like TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting. Highlight the link under "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" (for and post it on the thread. Your pictures should come up large and in high quality.