idk how to explain. its like u lay down on a "bench" and you have this giant bar with equal amount of weight on each side & u try to push the bar. lol that was the best i could describe it
I got a splatter duoble kill on orbital, i was at the enemy base on meh godcar and one of the enemies throws me a explosive pinapple, The explosion makes me fly into two of his teamates, instapwnage
Oh nice. 160 lbs or 160 kgs? How the ****? I've never bench-pressed. When I did go to a gym on holiday, I did 35kgs on the Pec Fly machine. I hurt after that.
I did all the yard work for my house... my thumbs were literally green.. Well, maybe a wierdish brown and yellow color... I might need to see a doctor. Should I be proud of that?
I downloaded the Mythic maps. ... and ... um I found a pair of 3D glasses in the recent TIME Magazine.
Told a girl I loved her in front of her myriad of friends. I'm a total *****, so this felt like an achievement.
Seriously, stop spamming my thread with **** you shouldn't even be proud of. Why did you do that anyway?
I actually bothered making lunch for myself. That's an achievement, I'm usually too lazy to pack my own food so I just end up buying crap from one of the places in Mac Hall.
i made a tag I'm pleased with, and I redeemed myself to one of my girl-friends (different than girlfriend, more like friends with benefits)
A multitude of things: I began work on my COD:WAW Veteran Guide, it should be fully completed in a few weeks. I bought myself a 32' TV for my room. I bought it at the right time as well, it cost me $600 for a TV worth probably $900. I have a ton in my bank account because I save a lot. I FINALLY wheeled this girl I was going after for weeks. It's a long story. We were at this ski club barbecue (that's where we know each other) and she texted me during it to meet her behind the chalet. At this point I was like 0_o
well think about, getting a referral for pantsing urself? plus i had shorts so it wasnt that bad. i mean schools are madd strict at least where i am. I bet if i looked at a teacher the wrong way, i would get a referal. so all in all i am proud of getting a silly referall. but i would not be proud if it wuz something acually serious.
I spent the whole summer doing nothing but playing cod 4, and when i got the golden sniper it felt like an acheviment, and it was one to lol