Ok, so i bet some people are tired of me updating my map(or not), but I have perfected it, and am proud to present Facility 77 v3. Facility v2 [EDIT] Although the changes are pretty miniscule, I did this to have different gamers' preferences met through the 3 versions, which one you prefer is up to you. Recommended games: -Team slayer- teams of 2-4 -FFA Changes: -Railing on deathpit -Fixed scenery -Weapons -Added neutral spawns Weapons list: -Br x2 -Spiker x2 -Mauler x2 -Ar x1 -Plasma nades x5 -Plasma rifle x1 -Bubble shield x1 -Trip mine x1 -Smg x4 (2 pairs) Pics: Hope you Like it! DOWNLOAD
well i havent, seen your v1 or v2, so i think this is actually pretty good, i like the deathpit, and the railings make it not so dangerous to be around. if this was symetricl, it could be a conquest map. Also if you want to keep adding ne changes to your map go ahead, dont worry if other people care, forge it to how you want to
Yeah, I was gonna make it conquest, but I didn't end up having enough money to make it longer and enclosed.
oh that sucks, because this could have been a good one, Im actually working on a conquest map, Maybe you should make a new conquest map, because the way you forge you defenitly have the conquest forge style
i agree, you could pull off a killer conquest map, man. As for this map, i prefer the version without the railings on the death pit. Its small enough to avoid while fighting in that room. Also, how well do those stairs work? I know fence wall stairs work fine but normal walls are slightly thicker. Other than than, splendid map good sir
Hey, I've seen your V1 and 2, they're really good, but still if you're gonna make a new version, you should add big changes to the map, not just weapons or spawns. You should try to incorporate new rooms onto your map because it's still really nice. 4/5
i haven't seen v1 or v2, but v3 looks great. the interlocking looks very clean, and there is some stuff i don't see often [pic 1, the upside-down staircase, pic 4, the angled walls and doors that create an awesome-looking tunnel]. but, postwise, there isn't much. i don't think there are enough pics for me to get a better feel of the map. perhaps you can include a picture from above showing the outline of the map and add some more action pics [if you are counting the explosion one on the bottom an action pic]. also, can you list how many people you recommend playing on this map and the gametypes it is capatible with?
Thnx for the input. I'll upload an overview drawing( since I cant take a pic of the whole thing in one angle) And I recommend small teams of 2-4 or ffa. Both play very fun and keep you on your toes!
I DL'ed and played it and it is very well planed but its kind of small. It is nice and I think you can play any game type on it. 5/5 again lol
k, thnx. i'll download it now that i know sorta a little more about the map. also, something i didn't notice the first time i saw this map... holy sh*t, that wall staircase thing you did looks awesome.
I love how you have created a new enviornment within foundry, instead of making the enviornment part of it. You have a very intresting style and this map is in my opinion worthy of not only a download but a feature.
The map looks great. It seems great for small teams for TS, kind of like I tried to do with my first map. (it was my first so it wasn't really that great)
hey, I have you V1.1 version and it's really good, I'll probly replace it with this one. The only thing I suggest you cahnge, that you haven't seemed to cange yet, is the stairs. They're realy bumpy when you try to walk up them, unless you wanted them to be like that, but other than that it's really good. 4.8/5
dude nice map! how many floors is it? it look like 2 or 3 but how low the roof is it could be about 5 if your good. (foundry normaly only lets you have 4 floors guys)
when i c a version three i expect to see the details refined to almost perfection and i enjoy this... im interested in knowing why u put a railing around the death barrier tho.... were people complaining? in my opinion i honestly would like it if it wasnt there because it adds to the map
Yeah, I edited my first post in this thread to recap on that. I just made 3 versions so that the community would have their preferences in 1 of them, which ever one you prefer is fine by me.
Holy ****! and i mean Holy ****! this is very good map my friend i love the death pit, every thing is awesome! 10/10
Now this looks pretty awesome! It looks like your in some pretty close quarters. Which is just the way I like it. Good Job with the Map! 8/10