Hey everyone, I really need help on a map. I am looking for experienced Forgers to help me with this project/map. Ok, so first of all it is called Colossus. It is a map that i designed based off of an image i found online. It can be used with almost any gametype. Anyways, down to the nitty gritty, I was wondering if someone could help me, or make it themselves. I am not very experienced at it just yet, but i am still learning. I already made it/designed it on this application called "Google SketchUp", which is a free 3D module tool which I used with a Foundry module in it. If someone would like to help me ccreate this map please let me know. I will e-mail you a document which has the map in its module form in which you could open using the Google SketchUp application. Any and All help would be very much appreciated.
I dont know man, it seems like a challenge, and kinda interesting to give it a shot, but im in a middle of a project, just give it a while and im sure someone might try to help, i might consider it, but i have to finsih my project first.
Hey man, looks like a good map to tackle. I should be available to help. Definitely something thats do-able. Just tell me when you want me to help! AIM: SaaayFoool Gamertag: Rackem Willie77
sweet thanks man. I currently don't have a working xbox right now(red ring) so if you wanted to, you could start it.
This doesn't look that difficult. Take a look at Forging 101 to learn some techniques if you don't know them. My advice is take your time. If you rush anything it may end up not being how you want it. Good luck.
Hey, so when are you usually online so that i can help out with the map? I got my xbox working up again.
Hey, sorry bout not getting to you sooner, I am usually on on weekends at any time, and weekdays at 4-10