Hey! I'z gun bring you the weekly bleach nao! Every week once its out subbed 'n' HQ! Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcFTb48DCik Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0JUFkY_pfg&feature=related Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpTXn1GIMbo&feature=related
The last thing I remember was them busting the girl with black hair out of prison. They just fought some bad ass dudes, and earlier the guy with glasses (the coolest one) lost his powers so he could kill some giant centipede ****ing thing. How far away am I?
Man I canno't believe that Hollowfication is uncurable. Now those poor captains are cursed for life. Kinda like Ichigo. Sad Face . Thanks anyway
Yes that may be a benefit from a small scale but sooner or later their inner hollows are going to come back and try and take control of them again. It's just exactly like what Ichigo's inner hollow said after he was defeated.
Ummm. Yeh that was a bit unfourtunate since I kinda lost control XD. Seriously though I mean I just find it annoying that the effects of hollowification are permanant. Besides why does Aizen love hollow so much. Does he have a hollow fetish or something.
I read the manga, which is advanced, but even from this chapter, Its obvious he wants to perfect the art of Hollowfication. So that he can be a visard like ichigo. I think he even says he wants to do so after takes the hyoguku from inside rukia.