Legendary DLC Cold fusion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by C0RRUPTl0N, Mar 17, 2009.


How would you rate this map

Poll closed Jun 25, 2009.
  1. Poor Forging

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  2. Average

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  3. Good

  4. Great

  5. Should be featured

  1. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    This abandoned hydro-reactor platform is all that remains of what once was a legendary machine created by the ancients that used an unknown technology called Cold Fusion to warm the near by waste lands we now know as Avalanche.


    Welcome to COLD FUSION!
    The ultimate 2v2 floating map.

    Located outside the barriers of Avalanche, the grandfather of Olympium and Cliff Side, Cold Fusion is the panicle of my forging potential thus far. This small but versatile competitive map is completely inescapable and well planned for optimized game playing performance.


    Cold Fusion is a Asymmetrical giant when compared to other Legendary floated maps. It uses just about the entire scenery list. Using the money glitch early on made it a bit more difficult to complete, as a matter of fact I don't think that it was needed at all due to the absence of vehicles on the map. I really wanted to focus a hefty amount of my attention on game play, thus, certain fun weapons aren't present such as the rocket launcher or the energy sword. A map this size really doesn't work properly with such dominating weapons such as these. But the layout is general and easy to understand, with two lowered bunker style bases for beginning spawns and three separate battle arenas along with a smaller lower level called the Fusion Shaft.
    The weapons and equipment list is as follows:


    Battle Rifle x 6
    Covenant Carbine x 4
    Mauler x 1
    Smg x 2
    Plasma Pistol x 2
    Beam Rifle x 1
    Pistol x 4


    Bubble Shield x1
    Regen. x1
    Overshield x 1
    Trip mine x 1
    Frag. grenade x 10
    Plasma Grenade x 8

    Recommended Game types:

    Cold Fusion is designed and works best with a variety of different team game types. If a player decides to host a FFA match on this map he/she might run into inefficient spawning patterns. The first and most favorable game type is 2v2 team slayer. 3v3 works fine as well if your looking for more of a fast past game, but if a match consists of any more than that you might feel over crowded. I also organized the spawn order and patterns so players are able to have a more lucrative game play experience on the map. I also configured the map to support odd ball, multi flag, and king of the hill, and all seem to run extremely well especially flag, as long as they are played on teams. Also, I realize that it is possible to climb up and hide in certain parts of the map with enough effort, but I feel this would be tough and almost suicide during actual competitive game play. Further more, no matter what a player does or where they go can they escape back to the actual Avalanche map, sorry escape lovers.. Your not going to be able to achieve that this time around.



    Breaking the barriers of Avalanche was easy, but utilizing good game play and player concealment so players can enjoy the feel of a separate map with out the possibility of escaping back to Avalanche was the challenge. Once I discovered this amazing location beyond the barriers it was evident that I had to put together what I learned in my last two maps and combine that knowledge to create one super map.
    Taking a little over two months to complete, "COLD FUSION," should give the gamer what he/she is looking for, and satisfy most if not all the members that critiqued my previous maps. I do hope that people realize just how challenging it is to float objects with out any guide or a grid floor to align scenery. This is the first map that I actually saw the structure in my head, and didn't just make things up as I went along. I had a number of ideas that came to me while forging it, (some of which might have made it better) but my mind was too insistent on creating the design I mentally pictured. So there you have it, with a little over 800 hours and about 2000 saves I finally made that Image from my mind as real as can be.


    Above all I just wanted to create a floated map that was satisfying to the player and to forge hub. I would have to say that besides my previous maps, most of my inspiration came from LANDING PAD, created by Val. I feel that map would be at the summit of the floating map category if there was such a thing. When I first played that epic creation I was overwhelmed with its feeling of realism, and originality. My initial efforts were to create something in the same league as it, but I feel that it is still a little out of reach, even after this last forge. Val, my hat is off to you sir. Landing pad is one heck of a map. Further more, I feel my final goal was to not rush my work and make sure that my map is tested and plays well, and to leave an in depth thread about my map, who I am, and what I can offer forge hub.

    Everything about Cold Fusion was carefully planned:



    Above and around the map.



    Just a feel of how far out it is.
    There's no escape!


    Interior pics.





    The Fusion Shaft.

    Bunker style bases

    Click here to download COLD FUSION

    It's only my third post so go easy on me please. Thank you all for viewing, and hope you enjoy my map.
    Special thanks to TKD Spartan and to the rest of the TKD clan for your help and participation.
    #1 C0RRUPTl0N, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Cold Fusion seems like one of your better maps and possibly your best one yet.

    I love how you mixed the shield doors and the double boxes to make it a "Battery Structure". I have never seen anyone do that on Avalanche yet, only on Foundry. Nice color coding of your boxes as well.

    Your weapons list has gradually improved since your last map but now, the equipment has a problem. You have placed a little too much grenades there, it would be best if you would decrease them to, let's say, 2 pairs each. Why do you have a Trip Mine? I prefer putting them only if there are vehicles on the map itself.

    Just two suggestions regarding your post. First, try to leave some space between pictures for your post to look better. Second, spell your words correctly. You spelled Pistol wrong.

    Great job on the overall result. Hope to see more from you.
  3. Kevinth3Killer

    Kevinth3Killer Ancient
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    Great job on the map, story was great but you have some grammar mistakes (yes there are 2 "a"s in grammar)
    ex. I'm guessing you meant waste land not waist land lol it doesn't take away from the great map though
  4. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Ehh its okay.The layout is awsome and that means I love the pics you showed.Also aseithics play a big part here,the custom powerups looked great.I know this seems pretty early despite comments but uhh...Feature Nao!!!5/5!!
  5. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    Comment on all of your Avalanche maps : They are simply amazing and the layout for each one of them is so unique. I love it man. I wish I could download right now but... wait actually I CAN download haha. I'm goin to take a look at them later after school man.
  6. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    I played this map and I JIZZED IN MY PANTS

    yes thats how good it is..... its looks are amaaaaaaaaaaaazing
    great job 5/5!!
  7. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    I agree with rabbiTTT that this is definitely your best map yet. Some of the flaws you had in your earlier maps are fixed in this one, which is a big plus.
    I really admire the layout you used for this map as well, the center reminds me of teh layout used on Assembly but more linear. The bases are just win, if not a little cramped...
    if u need help testing the next one just send me a message, ill be sure to help.
  8. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    this is a good map feels alittles small but its not sandbox so smaller parties are best also keep making avalanche maps if everyone uses sandbox and foundry everything will get boring so good job
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    that probably means you dont have a girlfriend.
    the map is definatly one of your better maps corruption, may i suggest i new theme tho the whole blue box/gray floor thing is getting kind of old from you. maybe you have sandbox? actually no thats a bad idea, theres to many death barrier maps there, stick to avalanche :)
    the equipment seems a little excessive and i have one question, is this one 100% unbreakable because on your first map there was i belive 2 spots where you could get out and i think one on you second one.
    oh well you deserve my dl once again my good friend
  10. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You make very good maps floating on Avalanche. Olympium and Cliffside were great and this looks even better. The color-coded boxes make it look very professional and all the interlocking looks awesome. The layout is great and I can't wait to play this map. Awesomesauce job.
  11. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    warning: strong language in this paragraph, kiddies. definitely a epic map. feature this as soon as possible [before mythic is on marketplace]. you know.. otherwise nobody would give a **** about avalanche. plus, nobody would give a damn about anything about sandbox [i mean, seriously, all people care about even now is sandbox, and 2/3 of the people here don't even have it].

    onto the map... fusion shaft? most amazing idea ever. sword killing in there seems fun.. it's awesome how you aligned all the boxes flat, without a grid, and even color coded the entire thing. massive kudos to you.
  12. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I'm sorry to say that I didn't like your first two maps. This map, however, is different. The layout is unique, the weapon list is excellent, and the map looks great with the all of the blue boxes. The tunnel looks very pleasing, and I love the location of the overshield. The bunkers are very creative, and I love the slanting bridges. The lift works flawlessly, and it is very smooth. I like that it doesn't just fling you up there like a lot of forged lifts do. It gently takes you to the top, keeping you from becoming disorientated.

    This map is a work of art, and my only hope is that it will play as well as it looks. Great job on this one, it looks like those 800 hours payed off.
  13. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    your first 2 maps had a horrible habbit of all the power weapons being together, almost as bad as rats nest. Im glad that this one is a little toned down on the power weapons
  14. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Thanks to everyone who has viewed and left their opinions on my thread. I really would like to notify everyone that I recently made a second version located on my file share that takes most of your advise into consideration. For example, I took out the trip mine and relocated some of the grenade spawns for better playablity. I might post another version and see how it does, however the changes I made were so minimal that I find it foolish to start another thread. Thanks again and please spread the word. C.
  15. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Wow. this is definitely one of your better maps. The layout is fantastic unlike our others which I didn't really care for. Plus this seems MUCH smoother than your other maps too. Love the idea behind it and hope this does get featured. Great job 5/5 and will download as soon as possible.

    p.s. don't rate your own maps. I clicked on poll results and saw your name next to the "should be featured" poll. please don't.
  16. Val

    Val Ancient
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    Id have to agree with that, the map is alot smoother plus the fact that there isnt any flickering going on which some people may not notice. I know how annoing it can be to iron those out when save and quitting, interlocking and colour coding at the same time. I like this map more than your other ones because its less open to give cover but still has lots of ninja space.
    Im glad to see you have an eye for the aesthetics aswell. Some things on this map i had really wanted to use in landing pad but the budget didnt let me; like the shield door boxes, and there are some very nice places where youve used that by the way.
    One thing i do like is the sniper tower, i was actually trying to break the map when i found that, its a reallynice place to put it because its hard to get to.
    I also like the way youve got two syymetrical bases but i guess they are spawn areas for a 1v1 because the maps to small for team. There are alot of original ideas in this map which is the best part about it, definatly as good as landing pad
    #16 Val, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  17. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Above all I just wanted to create a floated map that was satisfying to the player and to forge hub. I would have to say that besides my previous maps, most of my inspiration came from LANDING PAD, created by Val. I feel that map would be at the summit of the floating map category if there was such a thing. When I first played that epic creation I was overwhelmed with its feeling of realism, and originality. My initial efforts were to create something in the same league as it, but I feel that it is still a little out of reach, even after this last forge. Val, my hat is off to you sir. Landing pad is one heck of a map. Further more, I feel my final goal was to not rush my work and make sure that my map is tested and plays well, and to leave an in depth thread about my map, who I am, and what I can offer forge hub.

    Nice map. 5/5. Landing Pad does seem to have influenced this a bit. I was hust talking to Val, and he was viewing your map. He liked it, and he liked how you mentioned Landing Pad in your post. well, keep up the great Forging. I love all of your maps. =)
  18. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    I played this with a couple of mates while waiting to accrue a party to test a couple bigger maps, and I have a few things to say about this.

    Things I liek
    -The aesthetic on the map is wonderful. It looks vera, vera nice.
    -Basic Geometry is original and easy to remember. Didn't get lost, and it flowed nicely

    Things I liek not so much
    -In general, the weapons. I thought there were too many carbines and BRs for not such a big map, taking some of those out might make the weapons feel less cramped. Off of MLG, I don't consider the Mauler to be a power weapon. Not a very effective choice, a better one might be putting a sword on the lower level and nothing else, a la the Shotgun Tunnel / Green Room of Lockout. The sniper is silly. Too hard to get to, but too powerful once it's been retrieved. I'd recommend removing it, perhaps placing something that better suits the map, perhaps Camo or Shotty up there, and making it easier to retrieve. Multiple jumps = unfun. A ramp and a jump = not so bad. A ramp to the top = perhaps a little too easy.
    -Spawns: Bases are campy. Spawning in a base to see the plasma grenade shooting towards my face makes Kappy a Saaaaaaaaaaad Panda. Perhaps add more/increase priority of spawns in the main map or below, as nobody seemed to be there every much. Unfortunately, spawns on small maps are terrible, so I'm not holding this against you too much.

    Please consider these, and I look forward to seeing the next update of this map.
  19. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    I LOVE this map! I love how it kind of mocks The Crypt with the drop (Fusion Shaft). I also love how it's an entirely new map (on the account that you have it outside barriers of Avalanche).

    You got my DWL. This should be featured on ForgeHUB and B.net
  20. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I got to play some 4 player FFA on this map (which turned into 7 player FFA, I think). It's definitely got its own feel to it, which was a huge plus. The weapons seemed to work pretty nicely for the size and angles you were working with.

    I wouldn't recommend getting more than 4 people on this map, but it's definitely a fast-paced, fun, smaller one.

    My only problem with the map was the bottom level, which didn't seem to be used very often. I'm sure you've got something useful down there, but it was gone both times I wandered down.

    Overall, though, it feels like something on its own rather than something built from forge pieces, which is an impressive accomplishment.

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