Thank you Cr0ok3d for posting the idea with making a gap in a tunnel made out of shield doors. I've got a quite nice idea of how to make one and if you succeed in hitting the hole you'll get access to one of the most usefull weapons on the track. Oh btw, let's say that I pick up a custom powerup that makes my attacks twice as strong. If the vehicles are indrestuctible would, let's say, a mongoose fly farther by getting hit by, for example, a rocket launcher than if I hadn't picked up the custom powerup? Because if they do it could be used in rather nice ways.
Okay, I am not completely sure what you are going for here. I am talking about race tracks not weapons and stuff. The hole inbetween the shield doors would be a shortcut to further into the race track.
I meant alot of arcade style racing games, not alot of halo 3 racing maps. It shouldnt be hard to do, its just making sure that you cant get to these areas without using a specific jump / mancannon?
I know, I'm just mentioning other ways to use your idea, since Mario Kart Double Dash was mentioned I thought about placing a weapon which you could only get to through the hole. The more we can come up with the better, right? I was thinking making it the other way around though, with the hole in the rooth, since you need enough speed to move forward once through the hole but not too much or else you'll miss the hole. And then up there there's a Spartan Laser or a shortcut, or both. (I'm sorry if I'm confusing you, I've got a cold right now and ain't very clear in my head, so please excuse me for any incorrect spelling, grammar or anything else that's confusing you.)
Oh, okay I see what you are saying now. My mind was shut, thinking only about race tracks. I don't think it is that simple. For one mancannons usually give a constant speed which means taking that jump would automatically lead to further in the track which wouldn't be a shortcut then.
No problem. I guess I could have been a bit more clear about writing for what kind of race tracks the weapon would be there for. Oh, and by the way. My first Halo Kart Mongoose Dash map (or what it's gonna be called) will soon be ready for testing, hopefully tomorrow and if not it will most likely be later this weekend. I don't think I'll use the shield door-tunnel idea in the first one. Instead it'll be a rather simple map to test if a Mario Kart themed race track works well in Halo 3. I'll post in this thread again as well as start a new topic in the Map Testing part of the forum when the map is ready for testing.
Well, placing grav lifts suspended in the air w/ receivers would work as "lightning"... The vehicles passes trough both... I wish you could use powerups on vehicles, but you can't... That map looks pretty cool, and this is a great idea. Good luck with your map...
I love this idea. Maybe something along the lines of... I think if you drive on top of a shield wall laid flat you go slower or something, maybe you could use that to limit things.
Sometime next week we'll test my Mario Kart based Map/gametype, for more information please read this thread. I'll try to get some pictures for you soon.
I guess I won't be able to test it then. I'm going to be away all next week, or rather this week. Oh.... it's March 17th. Nevermind, it appears all of this happened 9 days ago.
Oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't have time last weekend, I forgot my own birthday xD, and we're moving this weekend. So it's probably going to be tested later than that.
send me a friend request, bnasty574. once i'm done getting my 30 in everything (i just need big team and hardcore left, but ti will be gone soon so mlg i guesss) i will make some. i sold my n64 long ago, so i'l have to find reference picturs but making a mario kart recreation sounds like a lot of fun. i'll get back to you, send me a request though so i don't forget.
I just got the best idea. You guys were talking about how the man cannon gives you too much speed and launches you in the air, but what about this...I'll make it into a story so u guys will have some excitement.-- You are turning down a turn. As you finish it, you see a raised area on one side that goes into a tunnel that makes a wide, slow turn, and on the other side, you see a man cannon in the air pointing down at you. You take the obviously shorter route, and are propelled under a low tunnel (as tall as the goose) with the top lines with shield doors. You get a lot of speed and when you leave the tunnel you are well ahead of your opponents, but you are hit with a grav-lift slowing you, and end up getting slightly ahead of them. If you decided to skip a story I put 1 minute into, basically its a man cannon in the air facing upside-down and propels you into a shield door lined tunnel as low as your goose. You end up in front of your opponents but are met by a grav-lift that slows you down. Yes, it's a short cut, but you don't get that much of a lead, if you can incorporate it well into your map. Feel free to use this idea, and if it actually works, you can give me credit if you want :squirrel_wink:. Hopefully more ideas sprout up so we can have great racetracks. I personally just want a track with a huuuuuuuuge jump, but thats my opinion. Thank you for reading my annoyance. Love , goldenknight508 :squirrel_grouphug:
That's a good idea, thanks. If I use it I'll be sure to give you credit for it. At my first track I've placed shield doors in the air that you fly inte when you're launched from a mancannon and bounces of into the right direction. I'm sorry for not having any pictures of my first race track yet.