I always loved playingduck hunt on foundry, now this looks ten times better.... well done, I can't wait to do some customs on this.
Yeah, but someone usually always gets sniped which kinda ruins it for them...just make people go faster and put the bubble shield right before you exit. It would be the most easy and efficient way to fix this little bug. EDIT:^^ ur post above me, you quoted the same guy's comment twice lol.
I really loved the dark hunting stuff of foundry. So this is a big 5/5 for me. I also really like your sniper area. Its very unique and i liked how you used the scaffholding or w/e its called.
Personally, and I'm not trying to be mean..., as much as I like the map that is uncheatable (I made mine with a trust system involved, leaves more stuff to be added) I fine that the map is very dull, I find you set up to many stones first of all, leaving it very easy to win, second, I find that the stones were just randomly placed hopping it would make the map good. Its also a very short run from Side A to Side B The spectator spot is a nice idea, although I prefer looking at my team when I'm dead, I have nothing against the spectator spot as it is a opinion. I give it a 3/5 (6/10)
i think that it would be cool to give the ducks 2 lives and get to watch their fellow ducks race along! spawn tham on the lil lilypad golf holes.