This is the first Monitor picture I've ever taken. I took it a few months back but I kind of like it. Let me know what you think. Link to it's details
The effects are nice, but the lighting in the top right might be just a bit too strong. I kinda like what the lighting does to the colors in the screen though.
I agree much of it is bright. I'm thinking of a retake. Pictures of Monitors is somewhere I haven't strayed, but I may try it later with the same sort of effect and try to dim it down a bit.
In my opinion I think this is really nice.I don't care for the lighting as long as the color is right,and I think he should be rewarded a 5/5.I love the blue and the oracle is matching everything here.Also the background fits.5/5 once again incase you had missed it.Nice name to I hate things like monitor or something,on the other hand this is new.
the picture is cool. i think the only thing that makes it good is the effect you used. i wouldn't recommend any more pics like this though. its to bland