I have a bunch of scars from sparring, but that's different since it isn't an accident. Also I have one from almost chopping my finger off while cooking... This one time my dog bit my side, and that was strange for him, he's actually quite a nice dog, and when fighting, like wrestling he'll bite very lightly, but he got me on my side, and a few minutes later I thought I felt water on my side, like it was wet, I go into my bathroom because my shirt didn't appear wet, and when I lift it up there is blood all along my side. Turns out he had actually bitten off a mole, so I went to a dermatologist to get it checked out later, for cancer and for what my dog did, and got a few stitches from that, still have a scar though... I also have one from my sister scratching my eye, luckily I closed it just in time and I have a small scar going from my eyebrow to right below my eye. It was over a small dispute when I was very young.
I have this 3 by 1 inch scar running down the length of my left arm. I got it when I was 2 so I wasn't really sure what happened but what my parents said was that they left a boiling pot of water on the counter and I was there. Since I liked to climb things I got up and pulled it down all over my arm and considering I was only 2 then my arm was pretty small. The boiling water completely burned my arm that I had to get a skin transplant from my left thigh. I still have the scar on my arm and on my thigh 12 years later and it still looks the same. Shiny and like an old persons skin.
Hmm...I've got quite a few scars, as I tend to be extremely accident prone. As for two of the worst though..... There's the whole outside of my left leg that's discoloured because I skidded down a gravel-covered hill on my bike one time...or the indentation on the corner of my eye socket from when I fell and cracked it on a cabinet as a little kid. I had to get stitches.
I was riding my Dirt Bike being stupid, I took a jump before looking what to land on, and it was spiky concrete, so I let my bike go and it missed the concrete, but I didn't a tore my knee open, it was fun ^.^....not...>.>?
Where to start. I've had 3 concussions. Then when I was 16 I ripped my right leg open(riding dirtbikes on my track), below the knee. Got 27 stitches. Actually say my bone. That was not fun. Um later on when I was 16, caught my left leg on my 50 peg, got 17 stitches. Then 1 years ago, at my bro's 18th bday in Cal City, a friend cut me off going like 60 on this fire road. I fell and broke my left arm (both bones all the way) and fractured my right arm. There's more, but meh their small dumb thingz.
The worst would have to be a long and deep cut on my back when I was 10. Me and my friends were in the basement of my unfinished home, and it had a punching bag in it. We were seeing who can get it the farthest with 1 punch. Someone knocks it down and so it's lying down parallel to a wall... with a rusty 2 nail sticking out of it. We were goofing around and one of my friends push me and I trip over the bag and hit my back against the wall and slide down 6 inches with the nail to the left of my spine. Then my friends started laughing and when I moved from the wall they saw the streak of blood on my back and wall. Then the rest is emergency room ect. It was stitched and **** and is barely noticable now 6 years later. Also I have bin ran over by a mini van but it didn't hurt that much because football practice just ended and I was on my way to the locker room with my pads still on. I think it would have bin different if I had them off.
I got rammed by a car couple years back. On my knee there was a giant flab a meat hanging about 1 1/2 in wide. the doctors sowed it back on to my knee, to this day i have a giant circular scar on my right knee.
Well, I was mountain biking in the Smoky Mountains, hit a pothole and went over the handlebars. Scraped most of the skin off the bottom of my forearms. Big white scars. Number Two! Running red gas in a KJW M700 (airsoft rifle), at 650 - 700 FPS. This douchebag picks up my gun and shoots me in the side from five feet away. I am wiping my face with my t-shirt so it hits bare skin and penetrates. Blood all over my 5.11 tactical pants It looks like a 1 cm diameter mole lol. I then punched him in the face, I broke his nose and fractured his eye socket.
1) when I was 6, I tried sliding down a fence post, and got myself a pretty good rip in the middle of my chest. 2) last year, I got in a fight and ate a window. Won the fight, but now I have scars on scars. 3) 6 weeks ago, the guy in front of me mountain biking stopped in a quite inconvenient time and place, and my handlebar dug right through those old nasty chest scars, and made way for a way bigger and cooler one. I have trouble breathing from time to time.
When I was younger 'round ten years ago. I feel down a cinder block wall backwards and cut my shin open from my knee to right above my ankle. Skin was hanging off. You can still see the scar and the indents the block left on my shin bone. When I was two years old I got bit by a dog on my face. The mouth mark was around my eye. I have a scar from the side of my eye to the temple of my head.
My left knee. In November of 06' I was walking down steep wooden steps. I tripped and fell and had to get 14 stitches because of a ripped open knee. Still have a BIG scar today!
Dude, that crap looked like it freaking hurt! I'm squinting my eyes as we speak. Are you showing me this because i treated you like a "noob." Well, its not much of a scare, its kinda fading now. When i was in the 4th grade I went to this after school program, they had this playground in the back. My favourite thing about the playground was it's unbelievably high monkey bars. I said it had to been at least 8 to 9 feet tall. This one day it rained, lightly, but still rained, they let us outside to play, immediately I went straight to the monkeys. I got both hands on the first bar, when I went to grab the second bar, I flew off. I had a split second to decide what part of my body I should land on. My ass or hands? I thought about my ass, but i don't have that cushion down there so i decided to try to land on both my ass and hands. The first thing I landed on was my hand instead of my ass. When I hit the ground I heard a crack, so i got up to check myself, i wasn't in pain but when I looked at my arm it was in a curve I have never seen it in before. It looked like a U. I would love to tell you guys about the 2 Big Muscular doctors who put the cast on my arm, but to make a long story short, I had a deep cut on my forearm from the cast. I had a cast that was cutting my arm up for 6 weeks without even knowing it. Dry blood ran from the top of forearm to my wrist. oh yeah, that cast itched like a *****! Damn transactionzero. It most of been a horrible sight for anyone seeing a 2 year old baby get chomped on in the face by a dog. That must of sucked! Do you still have the scar?
I have a scar on me knee from getting run over by those little electric jeeps little kids drive in. Taking naps on your front lawn when your 6 years old just gets more epic every year.
Split my forehead open on the mantlepiece when I was 2... tripped on a truck. Kinda like Harry Potter except horizontal and not magic. More recently, I bailed in an epic fashion speedboarding. I got up to about 30 and got the wobbles, and proceeded to fly headfirst down the road and up over the curb. I landed in a push-up position so my gloves took most of the impact (essential equipment, without them I would have broken multiple fingers and scraped my palms to the bone), but rolled over onto my forearms and shoulders as I slid across the road. Afterwards I got up and skated the rest of the way down the hill, but by the time I got down there my shirt was kinda sticky and wet and my forearms were dripping... nasty, beastly road rash from both my elbows to the middle of my arm, this huge oozing hole on the back of my left shoulder, and a ruined pair of shoes. Both my forearms and my knees are kinda splotchy pinkish from scrapes, and I have this round, smooth, pink raised patch on my shoulder from where the hole closed up. Damn thing oozed constantly for like 3 weeks, it was friggin' nasty.
well, take rain, a piece of wood, a rusty nail and a leg. I fell down, onto the piece of wood and the nail ripped flesh out of my leg, leaving a wound at the front through the whole leg, about 1 cm deep and 9 cm long, and half a cm wide. I stared at it, looking at how it filled with blood. Then I walked about 100 metres to a friends house, who called mymother who drove me to the doctor.
I got a hurnia when i was 6 and i got surgery for that(i couldn't walk for like a week) and my cousin was swinging me around and he let go and the top of my head went right into the corner of a table, i had to get stitches (you cant see it because of my hair)
I have a few bad scars, but one of which I will not get into detail, but I will just say that in the end I had to get 15 stitches. I have a scar right next to my left eye. It happened when I was about 5 or so. I had 2 younger half sisters at the time and my mom was pregnant with the 3rd. I was one to wake up early then and where we lived, we had mice problems. Well, one morning, I got up early and when I got to the foot of my bed, I could see across the hallway to the bathroom door and near the corner of the door, I saw something grey and right away thought it was a mouse. Trying to be slick, I thought I could go catch the little sucker, but my sister had left one of her Barbie cars right on the floor, directly next to my bed, which I did not notice since I was too occupied with the "mouse". Well, I started to tip toe, and my toe went in the car, I tripped and smacked the bone next to my eye on the corner of the foot board. It was a mess and turns out the grey "mouse" was a grey sock! XD In the end I had only 5 stitches and if I was hit only a few millimeters closer to my eye, I would have either lost my eye or been partially blind. I consider myself lucky.
Skiing, I faceplanted. Scar on my cheek. Basketball, got tripped/tackled, braces cut my lip. 4 stitches
I felt the same way, I was not only lucky, but fortunant, I mean I seriously could of lost my eye if the glass hit my pupil which was micrometers away!