Hello fellow forgers, i have not released a new map in while until now, i present The Covenant Transport Scarab Background Story The Covenant built Transport scarabs rarely in for the most dire occasions when extreme condition were at hand, Alpha Halo unfortanly had these cirumstances as the unsc countined to mobilise armed forces. After a rise in covenant casulties the prophet of regret order that one of his scarabs be sent down to help sought out the problem. Scarab Features Regret's Transport scarab features different Dimentions to the more common assault scarab; its longer but shorter, it has a more powerful cannon, it has a seating bay and carries two ghosts. Pics Scarab overview Passenger bay Human Base Scarab Power Core Human Base Dos Ghost Launching Boarding The Scarab Scarab Firing Download linky ! http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=70503667 Have fun, the map is set up for slayer, ctf and assault Made By SIL3NTKANGAROO and vb the altair
maybe try interlocking it to make it smoother for like v2 or something overall i give it a 3/5 for lack of interlocking
Toto, please note that there is in no way a lack of inter locking, it is already a very smooth map. I know because I helped make it(I am Vb the Altair), and SIL3NTKANGAROO put a lot of his time into interlocking. Not every object has to be interlocked, you can get an equally smooth feel without interlocking. Sometimes interlocking may ruin aesthetic value so therefore it is not best to do so. By the way, you forgot to put the capitals in my name KANGAROO, its Vb the Altair, not vb the altair lol.
Seriously? Ok... In my opinion its a great start, its actually very good for not interlocking, I couldn't make such a thing without it. You could use alittle more variety in terms of weapon and vehicle placement though. I give you a 4/5 because its way better than some of the other interlocked crap on this site.
This seems too blocky especially the legs. For an aesthetic map especially you do need interlocking because it not only makes it smoother but it also makes it look better. Also maybe make all the boxes the same color too. Also if you do play this it doesn't seem fair for the people in the scarab at all. *edit: scarabs are also extremely overdone so 0/5 originality.
this is a really cool map i like how its a transport scarab and not the classic foundry attack scarab to the above post, this is a different version of the scarab so i think it deserves better than a 0
I agree with the weapon placements, it is kinda hard to find good spots, but oculd have needed more. As for vehicles, it is already hard to put many vehicles on it, especially since the scarab isn't the biggest.
First, can we get some more overview pics, I want to see the whole scarab from some different angles. Second, this is an aesthetic map, so try to put some work into it, make it look good. I know you interlocked when necessaryafdlly, but there were places, like the belly where interlocking would have made it look alot nicer. Other than that, it looks like a scarab, and probably took you a while to make. 3/10
That is what you call a fun athstetic map. Mostly all of em are just "oooh looks at me your gonna delete me tommorow" but this is awsome 6/5 for the great effort.(yeh thats rite 6!)
dude, this is so awesome! the only6 thing i might suggest is take out all the banshees and place 1 on the scarab, and lineup the hogs at human base 1. also you should consider adding a bomb plant to the scarab core so the humans have an objective.