Restricted Author: Sworn Shadow The scarce fuel found at the marine outpost was used to transport marines across the distant lands of Africa. Download here Restricted a marine outpost was a place where fuel was shipped and traded out. It was the only supply of fuel for miles, located in the mountains of southern Africa. The word got out that there was minimum fuel left and only a selected few would be able to return home. Marines and civilians knew they would be stranded without additional food or supplies. Each squad had to find a way to get off the mountain, but this soon led to conflict. Blue Base(Picture taken before top crate was placed) Red Base Description: Restricted is a blocked off bunker battle which enables close hand to hand combat as well as vehicle transportation. Restricted provides for unique gameplay not found on other maps. Communication will be needed because Resricted forces teams to seperate to be victorious. Action Screenshots Special Thanks Gamer720 DanEBLIND Paulie Walnuttz Download Restricted here
this looks like an excellent map. the merging looks nice where u blocked off the two sides. however, im not sure exactly what the layout is. im guessing its a big "O" shape, from one base to the other using the cliff and middle section. anyway i like the idea using vehicles but it seems like thats all that will be used due to the lack of cover on the street part. i will dl 4/5.
I playtested this... ALOT. It is a amazing map on Rats Nest and should not be overlooked just because it isn't on Foundry or Sandbox. It plays very well, I find it very funny to go into another base with you warthog guns a'flarin. 8 vs 8 was the best, as you can see in the pics. I recommend GREATLY downloading this, and playing it. You will not regret it.
Your download link took me to an error message, so I'm posting a working link for now: Here you go. For a while I thought only that half of the vehicle track was used to get between bases, but the picture second from the bottom proved me wrong. You should show off your infantry path a little more, I almost overlooked it! I'm no professional reviewer, but I'll tell you what I think whenever I get a game on this. You reccomend good 'ol multi-flag?
This seems like a pretty good concept and I think it would be pretty cool for conquest if you made a window in the middle room with teleporters in the bases leading to that said room, of course they would be 1 way teles, but that would be cool. As it is, It seems way too empty. Also it seems very... linear I guess. Its like you spawn, get a Warthog meet in the middle and fight. I know that if the spawns arent right than this is going to fail greatly cuz the team that looses the middle battle will spawn at their base just in time for the other team to show up and wreck their faces off. Therefore I must DL and check it out. Do not be offended by this post, its only my opinion. The merges are freakin EPIC, especially the crate in the bases. You definitly are a skilled forger but if gameplay fails, the map fails so I will check this out.
Another awesome map, whoa how do you come up with all these great map ideas. The gameplay of this map is pure awesome, love slattin people with the warthog.