Locked Out "A tasteful remake of the savory map, Lockout. 2-6 players" by Gunnergrunt Download Description Of course, Locked Out is a remake of the popular halo 2 map, Lockout. But because this is halo 3, I've made a few changes to the map here and there. One big change, you'll notice in the pictures, is the absence of the gravity lift room. I decided to replace it with a banshee platform. Now now, before you throw things at the monitor, know that this was done on purpose, with gameplay in mind. Most of the key weapons are in the same locations, with select additions here and there. I'll go into detail once we get to the weapons section. Okay so there's the basic description. Scrolling onward!... Process I have never included a section about the process of the map creation, but because this is my first map on Sandbox, it deseveres one. As always, the map started in my head. I went through the layout of Lockout several times, and decided I would make one big change to make this map my own. I considered which section of the map I would alter and I chose the gravity lift room, because it would leave the core structures of the map. I couldn't bear to leave out the sniper tower! So once it was sculpted in my mind, I transfered it onto paper. (I won't include my sketches this time around; they might be too confusing.) Once i was satisfied with the results, I took it to Forge and got to work! I won't bore you with the details, but I'll give you a summary of the forging process. I started with the top middle platform and worked outward (interlocking? For sure). I finished the map structure by adding railings to all the edges and ledges. Then I added weapons according to their placement on Lockout, adding my own weapons here and there to combat the banshee and compensate for the missing tower (which was left out due to max OLN). From there, I made the map compatible with all the gametypes and added spawn points. Then I went into the testing stage! Testing proved I needed to make two adjustments to the map structure and a few changes in weapon placement. Once those were made, it was retested. A success! Bungie made Blackout, but it didn't do Lockout justice. So this is my tribute to the best map (in my opinion of course) in halo so far. Its accurate, addicting, and competitive, so I know Lockout fans will enjoy! Alright now that those boring details are taken care of, lets go into weapons and gameplay, shall we? Weapons and Gameplay Complete weapon list: 1 Sniper rifle (120) 8 plasma grenades 2 frag grenades 2 Plasma rifles 1 Energy sword (120) 2 Battle rifles (60) 1 Needler 1 SMG 1 Plasma pistol 1 Spartan Laser (120) 1 Bubble shield (60) 1 Banshee (150 asymmetric only) Yes, there is a Spartan Laser (in the lowest room of the battle rifle tower). That's for the banshee. You may notice the lack of Shotgun. I did not include it because there is no shotgun tunnel (green room). But the other weapons make up for it, no worries. It would not have worked without the gravity lift room. Overall, the weapon placement is perfect. Anywaffles, moving on. Gameplay is a lot more linear than you'll remember. Without the grav tower, there's more back and forth action. There is a constant flow from side to side, top and bottom. I can guarantee you're worried about the banshee. But worry not! There are multiple ways to take it down, the most prevalent being the Spartan Laser. I built the entire map high above the grid, so the banshee pilot can fly under the map without dying. The banshee is my own touch to the map. It gives a huge kick to classic Lockout, halo 3 style. Locked Out is compatible with all gametypes. I recommend KOTH, CTF, Slayer, and Oddball. Anywere from two to six players is highly recommended. This map is a killer doubles map, but it also supports some 3v3 quite well. Any more players than that is pushing the spawn points, but don't hesitate to experiment. I also suggest you try Locked Out with SMG starting weapons. If you play Assualt or Oddball, make sure you change the reset time to ten seconds (the ball will sit on the Sandbox floor if it falls off). Okay if you skipped all that, here's a summary: 2-6 players recommended Supports all gametypes SMG starts for best results Change object reset time to ten seconds Pictures Overview 1 Overview 2 Overview 3 Overview 4 Top Middle Platform (note the shield door covering the wall slits) Banshee Spawn (in place of the gravity lift room) BR tower Sniper Tower Sniper tower side (note the ledge around the middle of the tower) Room below Sniper tower Bottom Middle (the entrance to the shotgun tunnel is still there) Sword Spawn Bridges from bottom middle to sword spawn and bottom level of BR tower (note that this is Blackout style, no jump involved) Above Sword spawn (window room/library) Now from the outside Behind BR tower Side of BR tower Laser Spawn High above the grid Locked Out Download
Action Shots Unsuspecting sniper Bases to base doubles Classic situation The good ol' Lockout line of sight Flag stop Bottom middle action Download
Now this is a really good remake. The only difference i notice is the fact that everything is alittle bit smaller. And i'm not really digging the banshee platform. Umm i would just stick to Blackout (even though it sucks ass) unless you wanted to have a small FFa or something. But if i had to rate the map on how well it was made - Definitly 5/5 But for my opinion 4/5
Pretty Good This map looks very, very good. The one thing i liked the most about it was the side railings and the interlocking. I also love the weapon placement. Although it is a little small for my liking. 4/5
Looks like you've executed pretty well, and Im impressed with the strong resemblance. But unfortunately I dont see much need for remakes of Lockout. Its good you added the banshee to mix it up, though Id encourage you to take more liberties with the original design (much like you did with the banshee) so that your map is more unique.
uh oh, do i see a double post? this is gorgeus, the greatest remake i have seen on sand box yet, perfect interior inside bases, and includes everything from the original lockout, seems small at first, just like the original lockout did, but it seems to be bigger than it looks. i do not have one bad thing to say about this map 5/5
Thanks Lights, glad ya made the first page! Yeah i was going for total accuracy, but i wanted to make one change. I didnt change it anymore than that, because then it wouldnt feel like lockout. There wasn't much need for a remake, but i wasn't happy with blackout. Plus this is a unique map on its own. And this was probably the funnest map to forge so far!
Yes! Yes! YES!!! OMG finally some one remakes Lockout! I don't care if there is Blackout, Blackout is a very bad remake and Bungie should have done a better job on remaking it. I still think you should have made the lift room because a banshee seems to much for a smaller map like this. But I don't know I haven't played a game on it yet.. Everything is remade in good detail. 4.5/5 DL?: Yup
why thank you sir! By the way, I give anyone full permission to forge the gravity lift room on their own, but please ask before you post it. But there are very limited items left to use. If an attempt to forge the lift room was made, items would need to be deleted from other areas of the map
Very nice attempt. Main structures stick tightly to those of Lockout, although they could have been executed in a cleaner fashion. I have but one question, what the balls is a Banshee doing on this map? I mean honestly. It's like puting two warthogs on a midship re-make. What was wrong with the lift tower?
haha nothing was wrong with the lift tower, i just simply chose to change the map. I stated the reasons for the way i forged the map in the original post, but i know, its a lot to read. I added a banshee because i wanted to keep the classic lockout map but add something to make it my own, unique. Bungie already remade lockout, and we dont need another blackout. So i present you with Locked Out, love it for what it is.
Looks really good, but I don't know about the whole banshee thing. 5/5 for forging, 3/5 for remake. 4/5 Overall
Fair enough. And again, well done on the map. It's probably the most authentic Lockout we'll have for a while.
haha lol, this is about 10 times better than blackout, maybe you should send this to bungie and they could replace blackout with this. seriously, this could get a feature, or at least i think it could. definite download. where are ya gunner?, i see your viewing the page. i think you would bump your map post when ya got the chance. one thing, since the skybubble is friggin huge, dont you think it would be a little unrealistic to be able to fly the banshee really far away from the normal base? thats, what i think, the biggest flaw of the banshee is.
I'm glad you're keeping tabs! thanks for the comments! and to answer your last concern, spartan laser. No matter how far away the banshee goes, the laser will reach it. It isn't safe anywhere on the map. The plasma pistol can take care of it at close range as well (its hilarious to power a banshee down and watch them fall past the death barrier!)
yeah, i like stalling the banshees, its like, "HOLY ****, why am i....oh noooooooo" and the guy with the plasma pistol is just loling his head off.
You've done a great job with the map. Just out of curiosity, have you hit the item limit or the budget limit? The whole map seems very well developed with the exception of the Banshee platform. If I had to guess, I'd say that you were planning on building the grav lift room last, and ran out of money before being able to build it, or you simply didn't have the resources to build it correctly. Either way you've done a great job with the map, although I wish the Banshee area had a little bit more to it... it adds another attacking dimension to the map. Overall I'm impressed with the map, and I'd love to see you tackle some other remakes (particularly Hang em High). Others have tried and failed so far (IMO) but your technical accuracy and forging skills lead me to believe you the man for the job. Prove me right!
Hey gunner its me Digit3l this map was so much fun although u knew it better then i did i still had fun chasing u around 5/5 (Fix those damn holes lmao)
yes sir, i have hit the item limit number. i counted out the items i would need from the start and knew i would have to cut out an area of the map. The gravity lift room seemed like the best choice. And after the rest was forged i was able to add the banshee platform. I admit, the banshee platform does look a bit barren and plain but i put some of the objective markers down there, such as the oddball spawn point and assualt spot. It turned out to be a perfect spot for neutral games like that. In the end, the banshee turned out to be really fun, and the made was great so i left it that way! I'm glad you noticed the situation. For my next project, i think i will tackle some of the more common remakes. Nobody is doing ascension correctly and all the sactuary maps are lacking. Hang em high would be a great remake to consider, and i'll definitely include it on my to-forge list. Thanks for all the help testing, man! Yeah, you sure fell off the map a lot! But hey, it happened all the time in lockout right?