Legendary DLC Ghost Paintball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Tsar Necoji, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Tsar Necoji

    Tsar Necoji Ancient
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    Ghost Paintball

    -Ok all you harsh people out there this is my first map Im pretty sure posted it it right and i am only 12 to prove little kids (lol) can make good maps too.-

    Ghost Paintball is my paint ball game on Ghost Town. I believe there has never been a paintball game on ghost town so here it is. Its ghost paintball so everyone has poor camo to make them ghostly. Not infinate ammo so be careful and the 'paint' weapons are plasma rifles and plasma pistols.

    I dont care if you didn't read that but here are the pics you probably skipped to! lol anyways

    (PS-Dont spam about my map sloppiness, its for fun)
    I am sorry about the blurry photo, photobucket hates me =(

    The two bases
    Clutter to hide behind:
    Action Shots!

    Download Map:
    Halo 3 File Details

    PS-I did a lot of PS's but I think this is casual not mini-game, but if otherwise, feel free to move it AND I might be the first noob to post thier map right on the first try! (I hope)


    Download Gametype:
    Halo 3 File Details

    Also i kind of suck at screenshots but enough of me demoting and spamming about my suckiness. (I rule!.Ha)
    #1 Tsar Necoji, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  2. Tsar Necoji

    Tsar Necoji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh i forgot:4-8 players woops
  3. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    this seems liek an ok map... but i dont know if i like the plasma rifles.... theres os many they should rlly be treated like a power weapon with this gametype... the plasma cannon is questionable but i have never used it in paintball so i dont have a problem with it. this is a good map except why would people download when they can make there own the way they want it in a very short period of time? i like the post though its good to see everything in line.

    i suggest hosting a real game on this, not just by your self to get action picks, because then youll be able to talk more about it and have the answers for questions like is the plasma cannon overpowering? and hows the gameplay?

    and not every body knows how paintball works, consider mentioning that with gametype specifics...

    ohh and u can edit your posst u dont have to comment on it to fix things... im editing this comment right now

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