Ant Hunt! This game is a lot like Ant Hill, but it has its own little twist. The zombies spawn in the skybubble, where as the humans spawn in the main floor. The humans start out with sniper rifles and the infected start with rocket launchers. The goal of the infected is it shoot down rockets at the main floor where the humans are trapped and infect them doing so. In return, the humans can snipe the rockets to block off attacks and they can shoot the infected for points. When a human is infected, they join the infection in the skybubble. it seems a little simple, but its harder than you think and its a LOT of fun Here are some screens: Zombie spawn. They shoot through the holes in the walls and around the platform to the bottom. Try not to commit suicide The human trap from zombie viewpoint Human viewpoint of the infected platform. When scoped, this is obviously magnified ten times. One ant left... These ants aren't exactly harmless... Thanks, and leave feedback! Gametype Map
Interesting game but it reminds me of "Sky Castle" played on sandtrap. Looks okay but I think you should add some cover for the ants. 3.5/5
There really isn't much of a reason to make cover for the ants because they can snipe the rockets in midair, which takes 4 seconds to travel from the skybubble to the main level. Making cover would make the gameplay a little unbalanced.
I don't think they should be able to kill the zombies. It seems to easy, if their are lots of people to just go somewhere unnoticed, and snipe them. I like the idea of shooting the rockets. And you should put waypoints over the ants if they're not visible enough. You did a good job. This looks fun.
Thanks! I added waypoints after I took these screenshots. The ants stay in the confined area as seen in picture two, so they can't really hid anywhere. Sniping is also a lot more difficult than it seems because you can't look up completley straight when shooting, so you have to move around to get the right angle to shoot. Thanks for the advice!
Seems really simple. Not to sound mean or anything but check out the map in my sig (From Above...) it is oddly similar to yours.
My apologies I haven't seen that map. Nice map though! Edit: I think I'm gonna make a v2 to make it more intricate.
This idea is not that hard to think of. I mean i did this when sandbox first came out and i was just fooling around. As for the map, i like it. The zombie spawn is very well placed and neat, on the other hand The human spawn could use some work . To make this game even more fun you need to add a little pazzaz. Like i dunno something that happens later in the game to make it even more fun. *do i smell a V2* 4/5