This is a map I made when I first got Sandbox, and also my second map posted here. As you can see it is a Fort.. Players are to rush to the Fort as quickly as possible (20 double walls long...have fun, but I made a shorter route). Then whoever makes it there first can either defend it, or grab weapons and venture out into other sniper posts etc. Now to the Past and Present feature. This post includes 2 maps. The first one is how the Fort looked before war or battle took place on it. The second is after an attack on the Fort. Story: The Fort was built by Pacman's loyal servant, Pacmanicus, and stood for a century. Then the Ghosts, Pacman's enemy, attacked it. They attacked from the roof with a huge bomb that blew a hole through three floors and killed almost all inside. They also attacked structures surrounding the fort. Pacmanicus escaped through an escape tunnel behind the Fort, which was never fully repaired, even before the attack. Downloads: Past(No Damage):Halo 3 File Details Present(Ruins):Halo 3 File Details And Screenshots: [Before Attack Pictures]Past: Overview: Throne Armory Roof PRESENT PICTURES (After Attack) Overview: Throne: Armory: Roof:
If you made this for infection then you did an okay job although I would get rid of the Banshee unless you gave the Zombies something to counteract that. If you didn't make this for infection then there are a lot of improvements needed here, for one have you ever recalled a MM game or a custom game that made the gameplay fair where you had to get to a location to get the good stashes of weapons so can can dominate the game, I personally don't recall this (except in the first of forging, which that time period ended). I have also noticed that there are some interlocking problems as in you don't have any if some, so please learn how to do that unless you intended the map to a interlocking disaster (except of the before attack phase which looks nice and I understand what you are going after here) I'm not trying to be mean here just giving you suggestions for the future, other than that it's an okay map for your second post!
i really hope you gave the zombies some good weapons, becuz theyd get owned by those weapons in the base plus get rid of the banshee or give zombies splazrs otherwise this was a good map one question, does the map come in its destroyed form or its undestroyed form
The map isn't necessarily built for Zombies, but it can easily be arranged. Btw, those mancannons in the beginning are a shortcut, you just have to know how to use them. Its main gameplay is kind of a king of the hill type, the person who gets to the fort first has to defend it on his own, while other players can stop at the sniper post and take him out, etc.
in the present 1 i would have scattered all the weapons out to make it look more realistic but anyways nice map