Story: I know what your thinking, "I've gotten an Overkill in a warthog turret plenty of times.", but in this situation I was not in the turret, I was in passenger seat! You see my friends IlikepOPtaRTs54(X28) and vengeful sniper(Z63) had started using vehicles a lot in matchmaking, vengful sniper being the driver, IlikepOPtaRTs54 being the turret man, and me being the passenger. Anyway, what happened was that in a BTB game of Ratsnest (Team Slayer) we got into a warthog, stopped near the Rocket Launcher, I got it, we went to the enemy side, they had just got into their two warthogs and I killed both of them including myself and my friend, except vengful sniper who narrowly survived and picked us up were I got this shortly after. Sniped with Shotgun!JK I got this in another game.
Not really used a rocket and in the end killed yourself and a teammate so I don't really count this as skill...When I opened this and started reading I thought you got an overkill with a BR or something..
Good for you! You got an OVERKILL!??!?!?!???! HOOORAAAYYYY LETS PARTYYY!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY It is funny that you got it in a Hog, this would prolly fit better in the Halo Discussion Forum tho. Spoiler Hey look at me! Raising my post count with delicious spam!
idk how serious this pic is suppose to be but for me it isnt really a big deal. but thats just me. i like the snipe out of the passengers seat though. thats always a cool thing to do.