Hey all! So after going on an extensive hiatus, I am back to present to you my latest map, Facility 77! This is a small team slayer map, or 2v2/ 1v1. [EDIT] Refined version 2.0 Weapon list: BRx4 ARx1 Shottyx1 Spikerx1 Plasmax8 Bubble shieldx1 Trip minex1 Fragx1 Now for pics! Defenders Base Defenders base2 Defenders base3 Hallway from small room Exiting hall to blue light area Blue light area Attackers transition area Attackers transition2 Attackers base Hope you enjoy! DOWNLOAD
Wow. This map is simply breathtaking. The interlocking looks incredible, and the aesthetics and use of items give it a unique feel that I have never seen on foundry before. There is nothing to be done as far as the structures go, so playtesting is really the only way to see if there was anything wrong with this map. Oh, you should also play a game on the map and upload some action screenshots to show that you tested it a little.
Thanks man, I appreciate it. I guess I was a little too eager to post it! If anyone would like to test just send me a message/invite Gamertag: RackemWillie77 [EDIT] Won't be on the rest of today, so feel free to test by yourselves.
Im a little concerned that it being a close quarters map, that the shotgun is a little overpowering. Maybe replace it with a gravity hammer? However Im sure its not that much of a problem. The aesthetics are great and I love maps that are completely enclosed. Also, what's the point of 1x frag grenade? lawl EDIT: I noticed in the last picture that there is 2 Br's right next to each other, maybe make it only 1?
Will do. And the 2 Br's were my attempt to balance the weapon layout, as there are 2 Br's in the defender's base. But if it serves a problem in testing, I will do away with one. lol
This is flawlessly made, and it plays really fun. I really love being the attacker (No idea why...). Shouldn't this be in competitive maps though?
That's great! I didn't have a chance to test myself. Well, I had similar thoughts, but I assumed it would play as more of a fun random map opposed to serious gaming, but whatever the case, I'm glad you guys like it. :]
Wow, this awesome, i really like that triangle tunnel thing, it looks so well made to, i just got a new xbxo so i have tons of map space, but this will be my first map i will download and most likely keep on my new hard drive, great job on this, extremely original
My jaw dropped when I saw the pictures. Everything about this map is so clean. I'm definitely going to DL and play with my buddies. This one's a keeper.
I just jizzed in my pants this map is so good, the only thing i would change is replace a few plamsa grenades with frags, other than that this map is great.
This map has something that Foundry maps don't really have anymore... Creativity. Although I'm not sure if the gameplay will be that great, the aesthetics are insane. But of course, a map is only as good as its gameplay. Now for the review (I'm only reviewing based on a forge-through, I haven't played a game on it). Alright, so you know the little death pit? It's awesome. I've seen trenches and such of the same nature, but this little pit looks way cooler. The powerups are a nice touch, and I like how it gives you a feeling of caution, but you don't have to be over concerned about falling in. The tunnel is a work of art. Very creative as well. The slanted walls give it a really nice look and feel. The wall-stairs are very clever, but it's really bumpy walking up it. I'm not a fan of the man-cannon glare, but I suppose it works as a good callout. Another thing that I like is how instead of putting the staircase (the one in the attackers transition) right side up, you turned it upside down. Unnecessary, but it's still creative. Unfortunately I don't think this map will play well at all . the tunnel is a huge choke point, and there are a ton of cubbies that you could camp in. I know I should actually play a game on it before I judge gameplay, but I can already tell it isn't that competitive. So to sum it up, the forging is outstanding, and definitely worth taking a look at, but I'm definitely not going to keep it on my hard drive due to very casual gameplay. P.S. RackemWillie77, make another map as creative as this, but make it more playable, and you could easily get featured. EDIT:I just played a quick 1v1, and the shotgun was WAY overpowered. It was also really easy to spawn camp, and you could pretty much just sit there at the entrance of a room and spam nades. Guaranteed kill. Gameplay = 1/5
WOW! This looks flat out amazing! Bungie should be proud ppl like you play thier games. This is just what forge should be used for 100000/5 + 2 DL's (i told my friend to download it too (-: )