TITLE: To the Pain RECOMMENDED GAME TYPES: "No turning back" http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=70438179 (Download game variant here) DESCRIPTION: Ever wanted to prove to your friend you really are better than them at swords. (or dodging explosives.) Whether you want to settle a dispute with someone or just looking for a fun way to vent your anger I suggest my map To the pain. FEATURES: -The map is a boxed in area that is 99.9% (100 would just be inviting somebody to try) impossible to get out of. (touches the ceiling of foundry) -Inside there are two standing double boxes touching the back walls. -Each double box is across from the other. -Two bridges (one per double box) extending and meeting in the middle. -Both players carry swords and fight when they meet -Now for the interesting part Underneath these bridges are the maximum amount of fusion coils and propane tanks set to instant spawn. -A fusion coil falls at the beginning of the map to set the whole thing constantly exploding. -Every once in a while there maybe a lull in the action but next time the floating coil spawns on timer it should start up again. -Another cool thing I added is a spectator box. -This is made of window panels with shield doors to protect them. -The game is divided into 2 two minute round with infinite score. Highest score at the end of the 2 rounds wins. -The next re incarnation I make of this idea will probably have the person who dies in the arena be replaced with somebody else from that team (they all would have one life) The teams goal is to keep each person out as long as possible so they dont run out of peeps first. SCREENSHOTS: Sorry if they don't come out right first time posting a screenie (any help is appreciated) Please be constructive with you criticism; first map on forgehub as well lol EXTRA: -The map's name, "To the Pain" comes from a quote in the movie "The Princess Bride" when the king and that dread pirate dude duel (I think his name is Wesley) http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=70434338 - Click to go to download page -Enjoy!
Please fix your pictures, or it's not up to FH standards. GOTO: imageshack.us and find your pictures and host them there, thats what i do.
This post is not up to forgehub standards. You must fix you images or this thread will be deleted. I've always wanted to say that. Sounds good, but fix your pics.
Is this like the Ungard map where it is 1vs1? If it is, you only have 1 spectator box? It all looks very sloppy. Fix it up and post a v2. Until then, you don't have my download.