This is my new map i made in 14 hours (yes i did count). It took me awhile so thats why theres alot of geomerging and etc. This map works perfectly for MLG Ball and CTF Settings. Again this map was based off of The Existing MLG Maps / Qualified ones. It is Symmetrical and alot of cover for those Cowards who like to hide/run. 2x Carbines 1x Drop Spawn Mauler 4x Battle Rifles 4x Plasma Nades 1x Plasma Pistol A Tower + Action Top Mid/Oddbal Spawn Blue Base - Other side = Red base B Tower - Plasma Pistol is inside the Single Box Open B Tunnels Bottom A Under Base(s) Inside Base(s) - Flag spawns inside the Slanted Double Wall Mauler Spawn/Bottom Mid Enjot / Test it! vvvDownload Linkvvv Halo 3 File Details
Hey i really like this map,and i actually seen that you tried to create new ways to make maps,but it is still the same as every other mlg map,Just try to come up with a whole new style of mlg maps,that would be awesome and probally get a feature
ah another one!! this looks a little bit different though. I like the slanted walls, kinda gives the map character. Altough its not too neat, i'm sure it plays great. I agree with the guy above me, this is nothing new. Most people here are waiting for an mlg revolution, and this is taking us in the opposite direction, friend. Good map though, better luck next time!
Nice map, looks like it could host some decent gameplay. I appreiciate that you took 14 hours on your map, most forgers don't put that much of their free time into their maps, as if they're in a rush to post it. It's also good to see that newer members of FH are forging up to this standard. This is a good map already but I have some tips that will make your map look and play better: 1: Flip all bridges over to get a good astetic feel, this will not benifit the map much as far as gameplay's concerned but will attract more players to your map visually. 2: In "B tower" picture, at the bottom where there is a bridge going into an open box, Select the two objects the bridge is resting on and click "Place at start yes/no" Start a new round spawn another bridge and hold it below the original one floating inthe air, Save and quit. Then start it up again and delete the Bridge On top the bridge you placed second will be interlocked into the two boxes at a perfect height for you to walk over without feeling a bump. Well done on your map, follow these tips and you will most probably get the recignition you deserve.
my bridge going into the open box is merged in so you dont get that bumpy feeling. trust me it annoys me lol and if you ever feel like your up to it you could help me with my v2s and such ---MxS Loud is my gamertag kid are you blind? bungies maps are definatly retarded and this map is so much like mlg i dont think bungie signifies blue and red side
this looks really good it reminds me of onslaught but then again this is still a good map nice job =]