this map is a very cool looking map which plays free for all very nicley.power weapons are found as you progress higher. my rating, 5/5. Heres the map... map is best for free for all gametypes. screen 1 screen 2 Grif: Ok look, this is getting off topic, I'm locking this. When you have the correct format for the map post make a new thread.
and i give ur post a 0/5 This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
OK first off you need to embed you pictures. Also you need a detailed description of the map not just what you think of it.
im only a rookie because i just joined THIS are the REAL ROOKIE you big peice of PIE!!!!!
Ok look, this is getting off topic, I'm locking this. When you have the correct format for the map post make a new thread.