Instead of saying, "not everything looks completely smooth" Why dont you race the track before posting the comment?? Im just sayin.... AnF
IM SORRY FOR THE DOUBLE POST BUT I HAVE TO REPLY TO THIS! Yeah I put in all the heavy weapons and warthogs as a joke towards battle tracks haha if you read the gameplay section in the description it gives a little exerpt on the battle tracks aspect haha. I was going to quote the original quote and say a little more but flair did quiete a good job at it haha thanks Yeah, the crates are there for cover, and besides they look cool! AnF
Dang =) I have never seen something like this ever before! Its like really amazing, I love the waterfall thingy, but do you bounce on it? or is just an asthetiicc or something... oh i just wathced the youtube video, its just an astheictic hhaha, well its like really aweseome 10/10 for me!
Originality and randomly placing objects in the air are two different things. It must be an inside joke... and you can't really tell from the description. And if it is a joke on Battletracks, why place objects for "cover" while playing it? And finally, if you just had to reply, you should had edited you previous post to include it instead of double posting ...again
It's quite simple if you konw how to do it right so here is the step by step process. 1. Save and quit part of an object in the air. 2. Go back into the game and mark the places on the floating object where you would like to interlock with another object. (Do this with respawn points) 3. Place the floating object on respawn 180 seconds, then put place at start at no. 4. Start a new round. 5. Craete a new object and line the edges up with the fixed respawn pionts, (i.e. this comes with practice) 6. While holding the object where you want, save and quit the game. 7. Start up the game, then immediately start a new round. 8. Go to your objects and change the resapawn minium to the max number to force spawn the object, then change it back to min number. 9. Walah- (lol) -now the objects are floater locked. 10. Make sure to change the original object back to respawna at start, yes, don't worry about the respawn time on those things, worry about it with weapons, vehicles, utilities, and other stuff AnF
Yes it actually is not hard to do. I will do a one on one forging session with you if you want. This track takes complete advantage of the save and quit and to me it is one of the best.