Map : Standoff GameType : Oddball & Slayer Description : (NOTE: Words with with Quotes you have to click on them to see the pictures) This is my second super Smash Bros. Brawl map. Very very different from its predesscor. With its all new features, replay value is way up there. The map is bigger, badder, and better! One new feature, what i like to call "The Walking floor." Players are able to enter it from the edge of the map, but be careful not to fall. It could be use to escape near death or cause death itself. So you better practice falling into. When you exit "The Walking Floor" , you will be launch out into the fray. There are some places you can only get to by using The Walking Floor (NOTE: At the very end of The Walking Floor, you will ocassionally get stuck, my best advice is to move left then right, and you should fall down. After you fall, simply move into the graf lift to continue). Another feature is the "Random-Porter." There are 8 reciever nodes in the arena. Using the Random-Porter will take you to any of those reciever nodes, but there is one node that takes you to your "death" , so use it wisely. ScreenShots : The Walking Floor The Random-Porter Sniper's Box The Smash ball Over view 2 over View Missle-Pod Box 1 Equipment Box The Trick Reciever Node Link To Map : Super Smash Bros. Brawl Map 2 Link to GameType : Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Oddball) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Slayer) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Slayer 2) Additional Info : In the beginning of the game players wont spawn on the stage, so you will have to either kill yourself or take the teleporters placed on the map. Be sure to download the any of the 3 game variants (team brawl coming soon) , or download all 3 if you like. Also rate and comment. More pictures at the bottom. **Can be played with 3-6 players** Download the first SSBB Map here : Super Smash Bros Brawl Map 1
no offense, but it looks kinda empty...note: i said looks, but i haven't actually played it yet, so....
its a smash bros map. what am i suppose to put in there. if i would put any more stuff in, players would have a pretty hard time getting around. It gets really hectic in the stage. So allowing movement was an essential. I made up for the emptiness by adding the extra-freaking-cool features. Ask some of the members who tested the map with me. They loved it!
What is the difference between the two slayer variants? I will have to get a party together to try this. I'm not sure how it will play, but it looks like it should be fun.
Slater 1 is just a score to to reach, Which is 25. Slayer 2 is more like SSBB gameplay. Say if you was to die, you lose a point. If you kill you gain a point. The person with the most points at the end of 5 mins, wins.
imagine shipment in call of duty for but floating above a big thingy and like 5 people is crazy that was fun shihuru and i found a plasma pistol glitch while playing
I heard somebody saying that when we were testing it. So how did you do the gitch, and what it looked like?
oh yeah! SSBB is a great game! I really love the "walking floor" thing. Its very creative and imaginative.
yeah, i really don't know why i put that there. i really didn't want this map as boring as the first one. i added alot of features such as the "walking floor" and the "random-porter"
yeah, it gets really crazy once you have the recommended number number of players. i like going into the "walking floor" just when people are about to kill me. The other guys will be like," look at that moron, he just jump off and killed himself," then i'll come up from the other side and kill them! Its a pretty cool kodak moment. ***Note: Sometime players will get stuck out the end of the "walking floor." My advice to you is to move left then right. This method will allow you to get free of the man-cannon's hold of you.***
thx, but you spammed the crap out of the casual map forums with all your posts! you shouldn't do that just to reach 100 posts!
i know, what he is really doing is spamming the forums. The reason why is because he wants to obtain 100 posts. He should do it like respectful people and post respectfully.