Saw Extremity by Gamer720 I am back once again, with new glitches and harder puzzles that will blow your mind! As you can obviously see, this puzzle is on Sandbox. There are cool new glitches, many involving kill balls, the grid, and tin cups. I don't want to explain the puzzles, as some of you may want to figure it out. Below is a youtube video that is a huge spoiler, basically a play through of the map. Pictures below as well. Youtube Video Pictures Room 1, where it all starts... Room 2, "Leap of fail" Room 3, a multi-step puzzle Room 4, there is more to this puzzle than meets the eye Room 5, how are you supposed to get through that?! Room 6, the longest puzzle I will leave the ending for YOU to find out. Enjoy Download! --Gamer720
Those are some incredibly clever puzzles- but there isnt a link to the download? I dont want to give anything away, but 5 and 6 are very challenging, you need to know a lot to know what to do there.
Looks like a good map. i agree with mikelp 5 & 6 look hard! i'll dl and see how long it takes me to complete ^_^ (probally a while as i'm bad at puzzles) ^_^
DAMMIT! ERG! NO! I was gonna use that killball thing for a puzzle map i was gonna make. I know how to do it though. It's so clever. Looks really fun. Nice and open too, which makes it cool. Great map. I like the saw maps rather then intense puzzle maps. These are more casual. Plus, I have an idea for your next map. It's really clever. Pm me if you want it. If you don't, I can use it.
I think that this was a very cleaver map Puzzle, Worth the DL for sure. Keep um coming if you can. Also have to say the ending was very very cleaver.
Great map Gamer, I love all of the saw series you have made. Saw Extremity is the most creative puzzle to this date. I love the scene with the kill ball, pure epic. Everyone download now!
This is a decent map, probably the most original of the saw series yet. I just have a few problems: 1) There should be a gametype for it 2) There should be a checkpoint system so that you don't have to start from the beginning every time you die (especially since most of the challenges are dangerous). 3) It's quite short. 4) Maybe you should provide hints or a walkththrough. Overall, it's quite a fun map. Good job- it just has a few issues. 4/5 SPOILER ALERT: Issue # 2 is probably the biggest problem I have with it because everytime I die, I have to blow up the fusion coil again to access the mongooses. It gets extremely annoying. You should find a way to have the mongooses respawn next to the wall, that way you don't have to do the challenge over and over again. END SPOILER ALERT
1. No there shouldn't that just takes up hard drive space. 2. There is, after the prowler part. 3. Meh, it's average. 4.There is a youtube video and a walkthrough on my fileshare.
I hate room 2... lol saito, you know what i mean... but the best puzzle map on sandbox yet! awesome job!
Ya... I know what you mean lol. To the guy above, I do try to make my puzzles the right difficult, not too hard, not too easy.
Hey Gamer, your map got posted on Bungie's home page ! Now onto the map, I love it. I downloaded your previous saw map (the Fortress one) and I loved that too. I can't wait to see how this all plays out. i love how smooth it is and I've always loved puzzle maps! Queing for Dwl. -skulltooth. p.s. Joined saw forgers on .
I liked it overall, it wasn't too hard and it wasn't too easy. Now there were some things I didn't like. -once you blew up the fusion coil jumping around randomly trying to find a mongoose got annoying. I was never a fan of stuff through the wall unless you ran out of teleporters and you had an arrow pointing you where to go. -Having to re blow up the fusion coil was also annoying. -I litterally got the prowler stuck, not slowed down and I couldn't move it or blow it up so I had to restart the game. (The laser would not spawn back either because I had fallen off the edge with it) but other than that I enjoyed it quite thoroughly.
i saw the youtube video of this map and it looks pretty cool but after i saw how to complete it i lost my intrest because i wanted to find out how to get through this myself.