I'm trying to make a map on Sandbox. I'm not quite sure how to make an object move/fall when the object holding it up is shaken or knocked over. i.e. an overshield sitting on top of a radio antenna. If someone hits the tower with the gravity hammer and makes it wobble, the overshield will then roll off. Is there a way to do this in Forge?
Only some objects are able to fall, the example you mentioned wouldn't work because Overshields are immovable objects and only moveable objects can fall. For example: a double box is a immovable object and a cardboard box or a traffic cone is a moveable object that can fall.
Forging the world Well, thanks for the heads up. I guess no kill balls will be rolling onto unsuspecting people below from the sky bubble....
Actually, I have seen a Kill Ball be moved by a mancannon in forge. I'm not sure if it will work in realtime gameplay unless of course maybe using the "Spawn at Start: No." I'm not sure. Gonna need some testing.