Sandy Lane CREATED BY: K1llerdarkness players- 4-16 Sandy lane is the sequal to ice cream man his friend the muffin man has heard what the children have done to him and he's mad and wants vengeance so one day while the kids where playing kickball on Sandy lane the muffin man came around the corner with his vehicle o death run to the other side of the street wheres theres safety and a special muffin that will help you destroy the muffin man once and for all! How you play: the objective of the game for humans is to get to the other end of the street and grab the custom powerup which enables you to kill the muffin man. the objective for the muffin man is to splatter all the kids and stop them from getting the power up Disclaimer: I know I didn't create the actual "Ice Cream Man" Map Download- Gametype download- Pics: overveiw Kids spawn (note: that wall higher but doesnt show in pic) Muffin man spawn looking at kiddie from custom zombie spawn 2 Action Pics: Owned? who's Running now!? Cant run! ForgeHub tribute (is actually on the map right side of kiddie spawn) Finally i would like to thank all my testers for helping me out
what do you meen by raise it plus should play by honor system if the muffin man picks it up they get the kick
It's fun and all, but I really don't see the point... kiddy lane is fine on foundry and this is a completely unnecessary remake...
the point is to get to the other end without dieing and theres a powerup there which enables you to kill the muffin man
Looks like alot of fun, i'll comment on gameplay once i download it, but i have a seemingly silly question... hot did you make that tall "Wall Slit" in the second picture? I've been screwing around in sandbox trying to do that and i can't figure out how... ima bit new with sandbox
That's the main problem with it. Everyone picks up the powerup as the zombie in Ice Cream Man; i don't see this being any different. Raising it would stop it from happening. I don't see any cover for the humans. In the Foundry version, they had 'houses' to hide in, I don''t see any cover for the humans here. I was never a fan of the Mini-Game on Foundry, and I don't really think a re-make was all that necessary, but you've done a pretty good job. Nice FH tribute too.
I don't see any cover for the humans. In the Foundry version, they had 'houses' to hide in, I don''t see any cover for the humans here there is cover but its sought of "hidden" if you notice the barriers you can jump on top of them to use as cover
this game rlly has to have people following the honour rule.... theres no way of making the custom power up unreachable for the driver and reachable for the human without giving them super jump... if they had super jumps it would be no fun for the zombie
I know if you put the power-up behind two walls with a crack and give the fat kids a sword they can swing it and grab the power-up. Can the fat kids car be hit out of the map? I know he will die but wouldn't that become the point of the game to hit the zombie off the map.
he can but it takes a lot because for some reason the grenades on this map dont really "move" the warthog
this map has way better scenery and is worth a dl the houses were anoyying because people could just hide in them and not move, and you had a 10% chance of being splattered 5/5
make C power only able for humans to pick up theres no physical way to actually do that and if there is please tell me
Put the custom powerup really high up, and put a grav lift equipment inside. Make it so only humans can pick up equipment. Problem solved =)