o hi there. It's nice to see you have joined here. Good thing u read the rules, make sure you post maps correctly too and have fun here. If you have any problems just talk 2 me.
I can help you with that but my xbox has red rings so learn how to interlock here I prefer the second way he describes for any map you want to interlock on And any help with the forums come to me thanks! Hope you have a good time here!
JK but no seriously do you need any help with anything, cause ill tell you anything you have know about FH
thanks alot, i've been here before, and new if i posted it before i interlocked, id get alot of trainees posting "no interlox, sux 1/5"
Yep, although interlocking makes great gameplay for most maps it isn't always required. Check out the lazy mapmakers contest (hosted by Tex) the whole point of the constest is to make a map with no interlocking or geomerging.
well im glad that you actually read the rules, only about 1/5 new members do so thanks for not making us have to explain. I like helping new members with forging techiques, so if you need any help just message me, l8r
LOL i admit. I did not read the rules but i got like 5 warnings and then i did so. Thank you FH for giving me those warnings. HAPPY HUBBING HOMIEZ