Introducing ParanoidX new pictures Halo 3 File Details <<LINK 2 DOWNLOAD<< OVERVIEW: Small-Medium sized two base map with a tunnel system, multi-level action from mid map or the bases, and fast paced design will ensure that everyone has a chance to kill eachother. Safety will be a concern if you prefer no radar, for attackers can appear from what appears to be thin air. WEAPONS/EQUIPT: 2 regens 2 bubbles 2 grav lift 1 sniper 1 rockets 2 brute shots 2 needlers 2 pp 2 carbines 2 shotguns & of course some BR's (ehh more than two) 1 overshield GAMETYPES: Set up for slayer, CTF,assault, and Oddball gametypes. SKIRMISH GAMES ARE MUCHO FUN, AND I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO PLAY CTF WITH YOUR FRIENDS, IT WILL NOT BORE MY GOAL WITH paranoidX: I designed this map to play 'big' on a smaller map. Think of an elongated version of midship and that is longer in size and with a similar play style. Furious action will sustain itself on top and the ability to move around quickly under the tunnels' cover make it a good reason to be paranoid when camping mid. The tunnels offer a huge shift in balance with the upper level entrances being more of a chokepoint. The weapons in the middle area spawn every 2 minutes(sniper, rockets) and will generate a calculated starting rush, however if you let the underside go uncontested, you WILL be flanked, or worse in skirmish gametypes. BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD! LINK UP TOP^
that looks cool man i think i see a tunnle under the map ooohhh yeah a map im working on is all most done my freind rolanddeshain45 helped me
Amazing map, the map looks great and I'm pretty sure I would have fun on it as well, the design/ layout looks great and the interlocking looks smooth. Great Job.
Looks fun. Wow, this map looks cool. I just recently created a map that is the same size and shape, maybe even a bit bigger on Avalanche for doubles games. I love that every one is floating maps now, well not really floating cuz sandbox does all the hard work for you but same difference. I like it and think I'll test it out.
thanks for the feedback everyone! let everyone know how smooth and fast tempoed the gameplay is, after you try it. send me a friend request if you need another body for cuztom games
Omg..this is seriously the best skybubble map I have seen on sandbox! I love the bases, and the underpaths and different levels. A download from me when I get mythic. 5/5.