Super Mall and Super Mall(other) Super Mall is a full mall including a whole bunch of stores, a jail/security office, a fountain, and more. Note: This map must be used with the Mallcop game type, Mallcop is basically Cops and Robbers but made for this type of map. (t make the game more fun TURN ON BETRAYEL) If you would like to use this same map for other gametypes (Slayer, CTF, etc.) Use the link below (Super Malll "other"): Halo 3 File Details See Screens Below -Outside of the Mall- it doesnt look like much but whats inside is a surprise... Thats what she said -The Fountain- -The Grenade Store- Contains- Brute Shots,Firebombs,Plasmas,Spikes, and Frags -Sniperz (not a good pic)- Contains: Beam Rifles, Sniper Rifles -Equip Store- Contains: Everything on the equipment menu except for active camo -Melees R Us- Contains: Hammers, and Swords -Elite Pride Store- Contains: All convenant weapons -Display Hog- YOU COULD WIN THIS CAR! (display only...or is it?) -The Cell and Security Office- Obey the rules or u could end up here Note: There is also one store that contains nothing but Spartan eapons that I forgot to get a pic of Make sure to download the map and the game type, HAPPY SHOPPING! MAP "SuperMall": Halo 3 File Details GAME "MallCop": Halo 3 File Details MAP for other Gametypes: Halo 3 File Details
im in the elite Rebellion and nice map by the way i loved it i played for a hour on this map 4/5 work on some of the stores there not really ''neat'' but its fun make a v2
Thanks Haha great its always great to have people in the elite rebellion. My Emblem is trhe symbol of the rebellion so try it out if u rly want to sho elite pride