Story Well if you ever have played a duck hunt map or game varient then you can just skip this. Anyway if you don't know Duck Hunt is an infection game varient that has the ducks (Humans) as yellow things that have to get to the end to get a custom power up that lets you kill the hunter. The hunter (infected) is black and has a sniper rifle that it uses to shoot the little ducks. I have used the bascic concepted and warp it a little. I hope you enjoy. Gametypes Well of course the only game type you will use is mine I call "Duck Hunt". This one is a little diffrent because the hunter is like really slow and thats basiclly it as far as the gametype goes. Pics Ok now for the pics (these might not be very good but should still DL the map) This is the Ducks spawn area. Inside of here is 3 floating bubble sheild that you will need. Also to get out you use a tele door. Now here is the cannon at which the ducks fly from. After you fly from the cannon you will land on some teleporters (or sometimes fly over which I couldn't fix) and in this pic this is where you will spawn. This is where you spawn when you go through the second teledoor. Now this is where the flare spawns and you make your get away (the grav lift does have a purpose just shoot it as the hunter at the beging and find out one of two things). This is the third and final tele-door in which you can win. Power-up spawn Top of hunter box (how duck gets in). Secret Another secret. Pushes hunter out for duck. Thank you for looking at my map and even more if you DL it. This is the link for the map ---> Halo 3 File Details for the gametype ----> Halo 3 File Details And thank you again. =)
The pics need resizing,i hate the map based on what is shown,it is waaaay to open.Try to add scenery in there.Also the interlocks are good looking here.4/5.
You know its a ducks gametype right. that means that its not slayer. So it doesnt matter if its open or not. Its how the game is played.
This seems like a good map. from the pics it looks fun and an original duck hunt map. BUT I have one question what are SECRETS. They dont make sense to me from the pics.
I've seen much better to be honest, it's alright, but I think it could use some definite clean up in my opinion.
Its alright, ive played a couple duck hunt maps. ill definatly bring this one up next time i have a custom games party going. 4.2/5