This is my first experiment in the wonderful skybox. It is called Absentimental, which is named after a track by Norma Jean off of their album "O God, The Aftermath". While building, I hit the budget limit so there are a few areas that could stand to use a few more railings and stuff, but what can ya do. This is the only version of this map, and I wont be going back and redoing anything because Ive already moved onto bigger and better projects. Enjoy :] DOWNLOAD WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT 4 Battle Rifles | 20 seconds 2 Carbines | 30 seconds 2 Sniper Rifles | 120 seconds 2 Plasma Rifles | 30 seconds 4 Spikers | 30 seconds 2 Plasma Pistols | 30 seconds 2 Needlers | 90 seconds 1 Spartan Laser | 120 seconds 1 Bubble Shield | 60 seconds 2 Power Drains | 120 seconds 8 Plasma Grenades | 20 seconds 2 Banshees | 120 seconds RECOMMENDED GAMETYPES This map is setup for all gametypes except: VIP, Juggernaut & Infection. For best experience, I recommend these: Team Slayer Assault Team King of the Hill Territories Oddball THANKS Krazy2Dope, Chrstphrbrnnn, Shad0w Viper, my testers, Jesus & Barrack Obama. WEAPONS LAYOUT / OVERVIEW LAYOUT
im royal blood bath i was on the new ages recently and i saw your map and loved it mack more only thing is make a little more guns because theres only 2 BRs add more and great job 100% 5/5 10/10 good job
I rather enjoyed testing this John. The map played awesomely with no weapon presenting so much of a threat that it was overpowering. Both sides are fairly even, promoting on-going scraps that forces players to find alternate ways to tip the scales. There is sufficent cover and pl,ayer movement is pretty well thought out. The only thing I remember being weird was a couple of things that are: 1) the walking off the edge effect(i assume you placed gaurd rails) 2) Banshee easy deaths by death barrier 3) Platform jumps 4) Inter-platform combat is impossible. If you could adress me on these it would be appreciated. As for the map itself. It is smooth sufficent cover and overall, one of the best sandbox maps out there.
This looks interesting. Most of that maps in the sky bubble so far that included vehicles, had horrible gameplay. However, I trust that you made it work, as only the best is expected from thesilencebroken. Cant wait to try it out! Q'd. Also... <3 Norma Jean EDIT: I just realized that all of your maps are named after Norma Jean songs/albums o.o. Lawl
I'll try this out if I can ever get people to play customs with. It looks like it'd be great fun for territories especially. Idk why, but the layout pic made me see a lot of potential for some great territory games. I'll try to get back once I test it out. Very solid forging as always, btw. I especially like the wall slit designs. Edit: This map actually went better than expected. I found some tactical jumps, namely one that gets you on top of the red-lighted intersection, that give you great vantage points and allow for some good defending and cover-giving. I thought it had some really fun gameplay and I think it would go over great as a competitive regular for TGIF.
Great map. I love how you have used rails to firstly give you something to walk against and secondly some cover on the walkways. The center structure is a nice use of corner parts and the shotgun placement is a really good choice. One question, does the middle part require an easy or hard jump to access and from what part does this jump have to be made from?
Great map, man. One of the first that I've seen on Sandbox where the Banshee's don't just rape the other team. There's enough cover and anti-Banshee weapons that don't make them as terrifying as they normally are. The layout is elegantly simple and pretty easy to navigate, which has always been a big reason why I love what you create. Don't really have anything negative to say about it; you already heard my brief mentions for updates, which I'm sure were addressed. I really enjoyed playing on this one and look forward to lots more matches on it.
I must say, good weapon balancing. I would have to say that it could benefit from a couple more BRs/Carbines, but if you spawn with them, then it's not a problem. Keep it up. (I liked Norma Jean till Redeemer, but I think I liked Bless The Martyr, Kiss The Child the best)
From the screenshots you've posted your map looks like it could be good fun to play. I've queued it up for download so I'll offer you some more insightful comments once I've actually played on it.
1. Shotgun is pictured, but was replaced with a bubbleshield. 2. The central platform can be jumped to from several spots, some being a normal jump, others being a crouch jump. Knowing where to get to the center from is a large benefit during play, so get to know the maps "technical jumps" before you run in and try to destroy the other team. I'll even give one away. Right next to the sniper spawn is a large column with a slope to it. Use the railing to jump up on the side of the slope and you can protect your base here using the sniper/br. Theres a slope on either side of the banshee spawn, but the one on sniper side is more effective than needler side depending on which gametype you're playing.
Ah, nice to know a few little places to go for extra defence. Also it's nice you told me the shotgun was replaced as im using this map at a LAN event this weekend at my friends house. Any good for 2v2 CTF?
CTF can be tedious to get the flag out of the base, so i recommend the other gametypes i specified in the post.
Alright then, thanks for the heads up. I will be back this weekend with a few gameplays and a better review of the map!
great job on this one. i think this is one of the best maps in the skyubox to date due to the balance and the superior forging abilities that have shown. I also love how you managed to work in two banshees. i love to use vehicles and to see them in some sandbox maps are great! i'm personally looking forward to your next map!
There once was a man named chrstphrbrn, he was playing Absentimental. He was getting team killed by the enemy blue team. He had no shields but managed to take out two of the three attacking him. Thesilencebroken remained alone, in a bubble shield, reloading and about to follow up with an attack. He finished reloading... What's this? Furry comes out of the blue and performs "barrel roll." Critical hit. Thesilencebroken faints. Chrstphrbrn uses "lol." It replenishes his shields. All joking aside, Abesentmental, although hard to pronounce is one of tsb's simpler configurations. Although the unexpected falls can get sometimes get you, it does degrade this map, if anything it improves it. The laser, plasma pistols and power drain is an effective way to get the 'Shee out of the sky for good. I really enjoyed this map. The jumps on it are pretty efficient too. You can definitely see a mixture of Guardian and other classic maps in this fine masterpiece. Download it nooooooooooow.
Gud map 4.55/5 But seriously, you have got some epic skills man. You are the opinion I always want first and foremost when it comes to my maps. You have a great understanding of what a good, competitive, multi-playstyle map is, and you use this advantage to your fullest. This map is the perfect showcase of your talents, as you take everything wrong about the skybox and abolish it. The map has a pretty nice flow and a long range preference, but doesn't forget a few of the up close and personals. I really would have liked another way across the map, but the perfect fit of the banshees makes up for it. I tell you, I'd love to see this front paged.
only one thing i hate about this map, and i have never been more frustrated about this then anything else. You know that moment were you first get in a banshee, you have that moment of satisfaction at beating all those noobs to it. You feel anticipation for your soon to be killing spree. You feel free because you get to utilize the third dimension to run over people. Well when i get in the banshee on this map. Im usually screwed in 5 seconds as i do a backflip, and fall to my death, i don't know why, but i fall to my death a few seconds after lift off. It's really frustrating, and then everyone yells at you because you waisted the banshee. I cried a little. Maybe you can raise the platform a few feet? just to keep people from an embarrassing death? pretty pl0x?
Simply aim up when you take off. After that, if you stay above the ground level, you have nothing to fear. cept the other banshee.... and plasma pistols... and maybe the power drain. and maybe the spartan laser.
Not only is this one of the best Sandbox maps I've ever seen, but it has some of the best screenshot representation I've ever seen. I'd love to complement the forging of the map some more, but I probably don't have much to say that hasn't been said already. But being the noob that I am, I want to put some mancannons to send people across the map from either side just to mix things up a bit. And as I typed that, I realized that it could make for some epic Skyjacking as well.... So good that I highlighted it to make it more noticeable. I'M ON TO SOMETHING!!!