Hero's Domain - Get your Screenshot Professionally Rated

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by Hero, Mar 20, 2009.

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  1. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hero's Domain
    Screenshot Reviews
    Hello members of ForgeHub! Welcome to my review station on these forums. Here I will allow you to submit your screenshots for rating by me, which you then may display on your thread that houses your screenshots if you so choose. Please note that I am a bit stricter than most you will find, and it takes a fair amount of skill to get me impressed. I grade on a scale from one to ten, one being you must have taken a picture of a wall, ten being I beleive you are worthy of recognition by bungie and immediatly be added to their favorites. Come to this thread expecting CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, because with each screenshot, I will list atleast one thing that I didn't like about it. Don't fret - no screenshot is perfect and all screenshots in existance have atleast one problem with them.

    Process to get YOUR Screenshot Reviewed


    1. Capture a screenshot using halo 3 and save it to your fileshare (you don't have too, but it makes it easier). Go to Bungie.net and go to your profile and save the picture. Upload it to a website like Photobucket.com to put it in a format that is compatible with ForgeHub. Use to put your picture here on this thread.

    2. Submit the following application to have your screenshot rated. NOTE: YOUR SCREENSHOT WILL BE IGNORED IF YOU DON'T FILL OUT THIS APPLICATION:

    Screenshot title:
    Date screenshot was taken (not required):
    Was your screenshot staged:
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot:
    Do you agree not to flame my rating:
    Will you be patient with me to rate you:

    3. Patiently wait for me to rate your screenshot. You may submit one screenshot at a time because of the length of my reviews.


    I will rate your screenshot on the following:

    + Originality
    + Effects used
    + Camera angle
    + Style
    + Lighting
    + Blending
    + Overal presentation

    Waiting List:
    -Zombiez r us

    This is the template on which I will review your screenshot:
    Hero's Domain Review for:

    Screenshot name:


    Effects used:

    Camera Angle:




    Overall Presentation:

    My reviews
    Here I will list all the people I have reviewed, along with each indivdual screenshot review that player has submitted. The names are in alphabetical order, and not to be confused on which ones I favor the most. I will only say the player's name, the screenshot's name, what I rated it, and what page my full length review is on.

    "Ring" pg. 2

    "Water" pg. 7

    Black Theorem
    "Meteor Shower" pg. 6

    Blue Pariot
    "The Final Countdown" pg. 5

    Boss of OWNAGE
    "Electric Vines" pg. 1

    "Trapped Recon" pg. 4

    DC killa
    "The Infection" pg. 5

    "Contrast" pg. 9

    "The Second Sun" pg. 2

    Halo Orlando
    Darkened View" pg. 9

    "Incarnate" pg. 8

    "Untitled" pg. 10

    "Resultant" pg 3
    #1 Hero, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  2. Boss of OWNAGE

    Boss of OWNAGE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's my Picture thread. It's easier then getting all the links.

    Ok since your rules came out.

    Screenshot title: Electric Vines
    Map: Sandbox

    Date screenshot was taken (not required): 3/08/09
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamertag: Boss of METAL
    #2 Boss of OWNAGE, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Name: Ring
    Staged: Yes
    I am sole creator
    Yes I agree... it's just a rating
    Yes I will be patient... no hurry

    I fixed it with new rules
    #3 AceOfSpades, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  4. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This should be moved to the screenshot disscusion.Anyways how do you rate pics from your point of view.I don't have any pics right
    now though
  5. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well if you would have let me finish writing my thread, then maybe you would have learned. I rate from what you say - MY point of view. I rate in the ways I state in my first post.

    Boss your screenshot has been sumbitted for review and I will write one for it asap. Come back later tonight to see your review.

    Hero's Domain Review for: Boss of OWNAGE

    Screenshot name: "Electric Vines" and can be found on page 1.

    Originality: I have yet to see a screenshot like this before. Sandbox, being a new map that we have barely yet to realize the potential of, was a good choice on your part. The few screenshots I have seen from Sandbox fail to utilize the map like you have, most doing things they could've acomplished on Foundry.

    Effects used: Not knowing the map Sandbox very well, I hesitantly believe that no effects were used. That is alright however, because it doesn't seem to take away from the gravity of the screenshot.

    Camera Angle: This is part that turned me off to your screenshot the most. The simple "chest and above" angle has been used so many times that I am beginning to loathe it. I cannot, however, find a way to my knowledge to impove the camera angle. Unfortunatly with your picture, you were very limited to what you could've done with your angle.

    Style: I mildly enjoyed where you went with in this picture. Recon pictures are always hard to obtain and it's always a pleasure seeing them. I think you could have picked a better secondary wepaon though. I find gravity hammers bulky, and distract from what your suppose to be focusing on, whatever that may be. Because I have seen few pictures from Sandbox, it is hard for me to judge whether this is a screenshot that is easily recreated or takes a bit more skill to do. This is a result of my own ignorance however, and will not be marked away from your score.

    Lighting: The little beams of light scratching across the picture amused me to no end. The geometric design almost can have a deeper meaning to it signifying how life is never-ending or something similar, but I digress. The only problem I have with the lighting is the beam of light that is in front of the player. It's brightness blocks the view of some of the person, and seems to blur the area it surrounds. I personally try my best not to but things brighter than the person in front of him.

    Blending: I like the blending of this screenshot because it seems as if the lines never stop, even if you were to see what lies off the picture. The black armor matches the black void beyond the beams which was also a plus. Matching colors always show commitment to getting the best shot you can. The only blotches in the blending I could find is when the beams of light distorted his armor, as I said before.

    Overall Presentation: It was an amusing screenshot worthy of some polite applause. It was original and inventive, which increased my interest. The simple camera angle though gave the impression that it would be easily recreated by anyone who had atleast some basic knowledge of how to take screenshots. You do, however, demenstrate an intermediate skill when it comes to taking screenshots. Keep making more, for you are talented at it.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 7/10
    #5 Hero, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  6. Boss of OWNAGE

    Boss of OWNAGE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the Positive review, I know my pic. could have been a lot better. The reason I had a Grav. Hammer was I was also trying the "Wave effect" And didn't get another weapon before I took the picture. The angle I used was because I was on a wall and didn't want it in the picture. If your Interested, I have a Picture that uses the same effect, I think you would enjoy it.


    Screenshot title: Trapped Recon
    Map: Sandbox
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): 3/08/09

    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamertag: Boss of METAL
  7. InfectedByFear

    InfectedByFear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Second Sun

    The Second Sun
    No, someone helped
    You know best
    I'm not going anywhere

    X1BLACKOUT1X Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:

    Screenshot title:
    Date screenshot was taken (not required):3/19/09
    Was your screenshot staged:Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot:Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating:Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you:Yes
    Gamtertag:X1 BLACKOUT 1X
    #8 X1BLACKOUT1X, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  9. loph12

    loph12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WHAT? 7/10 for electric vines! I'm sorry but that is ridiculous. That screenshot deserved a much better rating. At least 8.5/10. And how are you a 'Professional'? Is there a Halo 3 screenshot league?
  10. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Loph, the author is satisfied with my review, why can't you?

    Blackout and infected, you've been accepted and put on the waiting list.

    Boss, you too have been put on the waiting list, but behind the others because I just reviewed you.
  11. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title:The Infection
    Map: Avaluanche
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: No, a friend helped me with the effect.
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: dcxneutralized
  12. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    DC, you've been accepted and put on the waiting list. I look forward to reviewing your screenshot.
  13. Boss of OWNAGE

    Boss of OWNAGE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, Of course I would've liked a higher review, If I gave it a score I would've given it a 10 and if you wouldn't give a 10 to your picture then it doesn't deserve to be shared. Anyways, he said it was HIS opinion, and he said it wont be reviewed if you can't take critizism and he even put in the application that it wouldn't be reviewed if you would flame.
  14. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks, i know im gunna do bad on lighting though, you cant really see much of the spartans features.
  15. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hero's Domain Review for: AceOfSpades0707

    Screenshot name: "Ring" on page 1.

    Originality: At first glance, I shook my head right off the bat thinking that this would be an easy screenshot to rate, because I didn't like it. You used a lot of old techniques that we keep seeing over and over again, i.e. purely explosion effects. What made me second guess myself though was the shear ammount of color upon closer inspection. You may have relied on explosion, but you did it with a "bang"... No pun intended (Okay maybe a little).

    Effects used: The only effect noticible was the pure explosion effects, which is a bit stale.The role of the artist is to mix CONTROLLED explosions. You seemed to have just have thrown a bunch of explosions together with hopes of coming out with a screenshot, which you did. NEVER rely on luck to produce screenshots.

    Camera Angle: The camera angle you chose is very difficult to pull off, because it demands the lighting to be perfect to have the full body of the character. You pulled this off...somewhat. Also, the character is a bit to far from the frame for my taste, especially for an explosion shot.

    Style: I like how the alien looks as if he's "sheilded" by the explosion by the ring. The oversheild you used was a risky move though, for the colors clash with the orange and blue explosions going in the backround. As I said before, stick with methods you know you can recreate over and over again. Don't hope that you'll get a random good picture with an oversheild, as it is unconsistant and cannot be reproduced if needed.

    Lighting: The ammount of color in the screenshot is truly dazzling, which has ups and downs. The good thing about this is that it draws the attention of an onlooker an keeps it while they are lost within the infinite colors. The down side would be that colors demand light, which tends to brighten up the screenshot to undesirable levels, as is the case with your screenshot.

    Blending: There was little blending in this picture, but that's what made it unique: it's stark use of color. The blue and red clash in the backround like two opponents while the red mist rolls up his body. This lack of texture rarely works, but you seemed to pull it off nicely.

    Overall Presentation: It was a nice luck shot, but rely more on your own skills and knowledge, and keep to methods that you KNOW can happen again. Unfortunatly, there is such a thing as being "Too unique" when it comes to screenshots. You have some basic talent though, keep practicing and I know you can create great things.

    I give you a rating of: 4/10
  16. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title: The Final Countdown
    Map: Halo (Campaign)
    Was your screenshot staged: I had no intention of staging this. After I finished Halo I went back and reviewed the film, which led me to this picture.
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes.
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: Blue Pariot
  17. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your application has been accepted and you have been put on the waiting list.

    I look forward to reviewing your screenshot
  18. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hm ... okay then.

    Screenshot title: The Fallen One
    Map: Floodgate (Campaign)
    Was your screenshot staged: In a sense, yes.
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes, I am the sole creator.
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: A rating is a rating, you have your opinions, I have mine.
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes.
    Gamtertag: Leeumm


  19. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hero's Domain Review for: InfectedByFear

    Screenshot name: "The Second Sun" on page 1.

    Originality: The shear number of screenshots utilizing Blackout's moon would blot out the moon itself. However, you put a new spin on an old trick, turning the moon into a sun, which recaptured my attention. If it wasn't for the stars, I would have fully believed that it was a different map before closer inspection, which is a plus.

    Effects used: I cannot guess if you used effects such as juicy, but I can give an educated guess as to the source of the discoloration: a frag gernade. If I'm wrong, it's really not that important how you did it, all that matters to me is that the effects you use are consistant and can be reproduced, which it seems it can. Another plus.

    Camera Angle: I like to call this type of camera angle the "lone warrior". This angle involves the person being on either side of the screen, not focusing on the camera. This is a bold angle, because doing so requires that the backround be as exciting as the player himself. I'm afraid this is your weekpoint. The "sun" being your only other focal point, it gives the entire right side of the picture an empty look.

    Style: I enjoyed how you displayed your picture, who looked as if he's ready to kill someone. I love the selection of weapons as it fits perfectly with the theme of this picture: heat and power. Duel weapons show that he is the type of man who doesn't mind carrying around some extra fire power while not over doing it (i.e. a rocket strapped to his back would have been a bad idea).

    Lighting: The lighting is what truly brings this screenshot together. If it weren't for the changes in lighting, we would be staring at a night sky with the simplicity of the Blackout moon, which would be dull. The slight glare off his helmet and chest doesn't seem to overpower the lighting. I like the shadowing effect that streaks across the helmet. Most people believe shadowing involves black, but this is a common misconception. It is simply a lighter color being smoothly overlapped by a darker color. You did this well.

    Blending: And now we come to the weak point of the screenshot which is the blending. Blending of colors are when colors seem to flow together seamlessly, providing flow and texture. The choice in color of the spartan was poor, and would have been better, in my opinion of course, as a black or maybe even white. You can rarely go wrong with black.

    Overall Presentation: The map Blackout, in my opinion, is not a good map for screenshots mostly because we've discovered all the ways to utilize it's resources. The moon is the only original piece of this map that can't be found on any other, and I'm glad you used atleast that. Better yet, you used it in a way I have yet to see: turning the moon into a sun. Instead of having one or two points of interest though, try to make the backround compliment the figure so it feels like the map flows as if from the figure's emotions.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 6/10
  20. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't know why this is in the actual Scrrenshot forum, but whatev..

    Screenshot title: Meteor Shower
    Map: Blackout
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): dont remember :p
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: Black Theorem

    Click if interested in more...
    #20 Black Theorem, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
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