Yes, because it's vacation here where I live I took the time to create a second, better version of my Theatre aesthetic map. Actually two versions. The other I will post shortly. The map is way bigger, I interlocked a lot more, and I left the "stage" blank for you to use props. Sorry about the lack of Double Blocks, I had to use them all for the map itself. Theatre features two main enterances for the "audience", two side enterances to the stage for the "actors", a fountain outside with two warthogs where you first spawn, and a much huger stage and stands. Fountain+Warthogs Overview... kinda.... The Stage The Stands DOWNLOAD HERE Halo 3 File Details For those of you who want a plot or something to go with this here: You step into the bridge of the warship "Wings of Aether". Looking around, you see the Captain approach you. Saluting, you ask him respectfully what he wanted. Captain Ztybexx cleared his throat, and said in a sharp voice, "I want you to scout region Bravo. Our AI is picking up strange readings around that area. It's big, so pack up and roll out as soon as you can." He ordered. You nod, and pick out five of your best men for the reconnaisance mission. You and your squad have been scouting the area for days, when you stumble across a huge theatre, untouched by time. "Whoa...." breathed one man in awe. "It's huge!" Another said. You and your men exit your Warthogs, bringing weapons, just in case. ☼
ok ur pictures are tiny. have you embedded them properly? i like a good theatre or cinema map, but i cant realy see if it is good or not.
much better. looks good. like the design. maybe in a v2 you could put a raised stage area. love the stands. 4.5/5
Lots of stadium maps have been poping up lately. This one is pretty cool, but I don't think anyone can beat oni ampitheatre