hey this is my first ever post on the forge hub forums (which is obvious) anyway im blink, my gamertag is blink L780 (pronounced as: blink el seven eighty, but you can call me raikoh) i've got my 360 connected to live through ICS (internet connection sharing) wich means i need my xbox to connect through my crapbox of a laptop i reacently ranout of gold membership and im wondering how to get my maps online (to this website) if there is some crucial piece of info that im missing (like i need gold, some way to connect my 360's hard drive to my crapbox or other apparel) please fill me in. <<this is raikoh dissapearing in a cloud of ones and zeroes>>
I think you need gold. Put your map on your fileshare in Halo, then go to Bungie.net, click Halo 3, Fileshare, the slot you want. Then copy that URL and make it a link [noparse]Download my map here![/noparse] Like that. Welcome!
Oh cmon insane, you coulda linked him to the literal directions on how to. You're slackin mister. =P Anyways, welcome blink, to Forge Hub. A place where people come to gain power, and quickly learn there is none to be had.
*blinks* Hey, where'd he go? Welcome though. I believe you need Gold Membership. I could provide you with a 48-hour code from my Halo Wars if the mods don't object. Sorry, that's the only code I have. However, eBay have some cheap codes. there, look: 13 months for less than 30 squid. Noice!