Debates are wrongDebates about things other than Halo or anything that deals with forgehub shoudl not be allowed in the Forums. Like the Creation or Evolution, or the smoking one. They have nothing to do with this site and all they end up doing is making someone mad at someone else. All they do is cause trouble, like look at Creation or Evolution, all that did is cayse trouble, it just made everybody argue with each other, is that really what you want on Forgehub is to have everybody mad at each other? I think that the only thing allowed in debates should be things about forgehub or maps. I didn't post this in the debates section because it would have gotten deleted first thing.
If you don't like it, feel free to leave. This is a public forum, and we can talk about whatever we want. Just because you're some bible thumpin red neck from kentucky doesn't mean we can't talk about evolution.
The point of a debate is to argue on which is right/wrong. Technically all you're doing is speaking on your beliefs while someone else is trying to persuade you that your beliefs are wrong. Besides, if you don't like the debate section, stay out of it. They're a lot of other places on FH to roam to.