Need a Map Video?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Phreakie, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm making this thread because I figured, "Hey! I have a CC now! lets make some videos!" So here I am. I suddenly came up with this idea at 12:25 AM thinking about making map videos for other, fairly capable forgers that have maps of high caliber and that have a somewhat basic understanding of the way to actually post a good well-thought-out reply to a map thread.

    Anyways, lets cut the chase. I will basically be making map videos for people who request them from me here or in a Private Message ( i like having notifications when I get on FH. Makes me feel importante :p). I am NOT some bogus guy who makes crap for **** videos that have no editing effort whatsoever. So If you want to know what your map video will look like or what it will come out to be similar to, check out this example.
    Important Detail: Video Length will vary depending on map size and connectivity.

    To submit your map for a video, please follow these guidelines and requirements. Doing this will give your map a better chance of getting a video, and more importantly make it easier for me to review, check out, and then capture altogether.

    Please Include the Following:
    • Map Name:
    • Map Description:
    • Download Link:
    • Any saved Halo 3 Clips (no lag preffered):
    • Special Prefrences (song, intros, map views, etc.):
    After you have all of these set requirements, post a reply or PM and I will decide whether your map is good enough for a video.
    Note: I dont mean to sound like a douche when I say "good enough." Its just because I will only be able to produce a handful of videos in a week.
    Note: I will also post any and all the videos I make on the OP, and it will be uploaded onto my channel
    Note: I cannot make any map videos for the MYTHIC DLC yet.
    Last Note: I dont capture in superomegawtfomgbbq high quality. Its just decent enough to see and actually get a good look at the map.
    (I lied:p) Note: Subscribe to my channel please :D

    Pending Videos:
    • Squidhands-Harmony [Done]
    • Forgegod117-Escarpment [Done]
    • nickaaa-Alpine [Done]
    • Xanon-'Unnamed' Montage [Pending 1]
    • myshotsakill-Relleka [Editing]
    • xX BtR Chaos Xx [Capturing]
    • Boyle06/Phreakie-Grimace [Pending 2]
    Finished Products

    Update March 27, 2009:
    Im cracking down on Map Selection now. I will only be choosing the best or the most capable maps
    to make a good, long video out of from now on. The smaller the map, the shorter the video.
    #1 Phreakie, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2009
  2. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Phreakie, I'd love to get a couple of films captured. I don't really need a video, I just need it captured with the ability to load it to YouTube. They're both pretty long, each match is at the 15min mark. I'd just like to get some good games posted in the Harmony thread to show people how well it plays in a 1v1 setting. If you could do this I would be very grateful.

    flim 1

    film 2

    Thanks again.
  3. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    • Map Name: Escarpment
    • Map Description: A floating map on avalanche with a large wall preventing people from escaping.
    • Download Link: Download Escarpment
    • Any saved Halo 3 Clips (no lag preferred): Do you choose your own if possible. I could grab you some on Friday but not now. If you want to get your own footage that is fine.
    • Special Preferences (song, intros, map views, etc.): Show how large the map is with a shot like this.

    Perhaps take some footage from this angle and speed it for the intro. And is that you template map? Looks epic.
    #3 ForgeGod117, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  4. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Would you like me to make 1 clip with these two or just make two seperate non-edited clips?
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    2 separate clips, please. They're from different players using some pretty distinct play styles.
  6. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Squidhands, Ive finished capturing the first clip and now all I need is a description for the youtube upload. Can you put a link to your Original Post and a File share Link?

    Also, Forgegod, do you have any specific song choice or do you just want me to pick one?
    #6 Phreakie, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  7. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    map name: Rellekka
    Map description: A UNSC base with some amazing structres kind of forerunner i guess
    DL Link: <<dl here>>
    Any saved Halo 3 Clips (no lag preferred): I dont have any atm I can get some, but if you want to just make one you can, and it doesnt have to have to have any action going on through it.

    for the song could you play (out of control) from hoobastank
    and get a lot of overview and just get a good view of the map

    If you need anything else for the video just tell me.
  8. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Excellent idea. I love it..hah..someone who will make personal videos for your own map. You are awesome man. Once my map is complete I will come here and ask for an exclusive should hopefully be a big look forward to.
  9. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Squidhands, theres a problem.
    I can only upload 10minutes long of footage onto youtube.
    Would it be fine if I took 5 minutes off of each clip?
  10. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sure thing.
    Yeah, that'll have to work. Stupid YouTube...

    Thanks again, Phreakie. :)

    *invisible + rep*
    #10 squidhands, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  11. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Clip number 1 has been uploaded.
    I added a fade out at the end to smoothen it.

    Also, I will not be working on it this weekend.
    I am with my dad. All the pending videos will be finished by Tuesday at latest.
  12. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for getting those up for me, Phreakie. It's a bummer that YouTube won't accept anything more than 10mins, but they'll still give people a great idea of how the map plays. Thanks again, great job!

    -BTW - could you send me the raw footage if you have it? I've got software to make my own vid, I just don't have a way of transferring the films from my xbox.
  13. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can send you the raw clips but theyd have to be in peices since the raw footage is about 120MB or something.
    I would have to split them in twos. Is that alright with you?
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah, that'll work. You might be able to host it on Filefront without breaking it up, though. It's free. :)
  15. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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  16. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for the video phrekie. Your editing skills are insane. I will use that on my map now.
  17. nickaaaa

    nickaaaa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey dude.
    I was wondering if that offer for a flythrough that you gave me was still good?

    I'm not sure if you have other things goin on, but if you could, a flythrough/ walkthrough would be awesome.

    Here is the thread for my map if you get the chance.
    Thanks dude.
  18. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey phreakie, r u working on my video now? since i was next in line
  19. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yup. That's my next in line priority after Shots.
    Sorry bout that shots. I totally forgot about yours I'll add it to the OP now.
  20. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok thaanks dude, i dont really have a video for you i just need you to go through the map, it doesnt matter if theres people in it

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