Ok,Jellah,lol,that was kind of scary, I personally think they do it because they think they are hot and want to fit in with everybody else, But i would actually have some that involve action
there were a few others thrown in there for short periods of time. wut? involve action how? oh and im totally hot. its actually because all the cool kids have chickz as avis. and ive always had selena, except for that one scene chick and like 2 random ones that i had for a day.
dude wolf shirts are so dominant. theyre great for pulling in husky native american bitches with diabetes. but in truth, at least for me, it is because i have a strange, possibly dangerous obsession with selena gomez.
For you, "posssibly dangerous obsession" should be changed to take out the possibly. XD And For me, its always been a pig, although I'd think next to no one, save for some awesome people, remember the pig I had before the avvy I have now. The only other avvy I ever had. XD
Your avatar is a wolf named Kiba from an very good anime series called Wolf's Rain. Tsume is cooler though.
Like somebody shooting a gun or throwing a grenade or some that inbloves halo because this site is mainly about halo,lol
GH: Metallica Demo released today. Sadly, Master of Puppets is not on it, Sad but True and Seek & Destroy however, are.
Maybe to try and trick newer members into thinking they're girls so that they'll respect them more? Mine is from Explosm's Cyanide & Happiness daily webcomic
Women are a different race?!?!? LIKE OMG WTH MAAAAAN... lol edit and make it say your not trying to be sexist.lol