Just got this Idea...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HLG FlashPoint, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I was thinking about Halo wars and I thought it would be cool for a covenent vs UNSC in Halo 3. I thought of a Plan on how to make it. I need ideas and oppinions. So this is my Idea;

    Ok so I'm gunna go on Sandbox ( Only map that has enough items and budget ). I'm gunna build a highly detailed covenant ship that the UNSC ( Infected ) has to infiltrate to kill the covenent ( humans ).

    This is how its gunna work;
    50% will be zombies, 50% will be the humans. Each player has one life but is revived on Allied Kills. The point of the game is basically annialate the enemy team. The humans forced color will be blue, Becuz most elites the campaign of halo1 are blue, and the infected forced color will be green, seeing as the spartans are green.

    I need some ideas and suggestions for this map.

    I could also use some partners to forge with.
  2. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I'm up for this. I can't forge to save my life, but i'm subscribed, and i'm willing to input ideas. I like the gametype ideas, particularly the allied kill part to respawn, this should change teamwork tactics.

    Have you considered basing the map on say, halo 1's first level? I think that would be a good thing to theme the layout on.. This also accepts assault compatability.
  3. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Ya I think I might base it off of the first level in Halo. It would be the covenent assaulting the UNSC but I kinda of wanted it to be UNSC assaulting the covenent. But then again the UNSC ship would be easier to build. I like your Idea. I'll give credit to you for the idea.
  4. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    This is a very interesting idea, and i hope it goes far. In terms of architecture, use a lot of 30 degree angle interlocks to create a curving aesthetic feel for the Covenant, and lots of 45 and 90 degrees angles to create the UNSC area. They are clashing aesthetic elements after all :)
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Damn, I wish I could help. I'll try and forge every now and then if you send me invites (GT: EpicFishFingers), but I can't unput many ideas. how will you use the lighting effects if you will use them at all?
  6. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Yayee ^^

    Lighting, I've no idea.. but I think you should have a big explosion switch as a main entry door that opens in like, a minute into the game, so UNSC can set up defences, before being charged, and the game could turn into an epic attack vs. defense game. You could have themed weapons for the sides also, even vehicles where appropriate.

    I could probably submit more ideas as I watch progress, If you need me to.. My gamertag is 'CAMEL CARCASS', so If you want, you can add me or whatever. I won't be much help forgewise, because i'm lazy and impatient, but i know how to do most things, and can explain pretty well usually.

    Good luck by the way!
  7. Guardion07

    Guardion07 Ancient
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    Thats if you want the covenant assaulting. If you wanted the Spartans attacking elites, base it off the level in Halo 1, the Truth and Reconciliation. If you don't remember it is the level in which you start out with a sniper, move your way in to the ship in the dark, and save captain keys. The main hangar could be used for the main part of the ship you are building.

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