Yeah, that's right new map from me. From Sand Box! It can be downloaded here: [link=]The Valley of Four Suns[/link] Birds eye view: The view from Blue Base: From Red base: Shot from far far away but zoomed in: Far-far away shot: What? That thing in the sky? Oh that. You get there from here: But the hole is only exposed for the first three minutes of the game, after that no access. And arrive flying out the teleporter positioned here: And you may have guess, this is where the majority of the power weapons are: You basicly leave in the same manner you left the ground floor: Where you come out of one of the four teleporters positioned on top of the middle structure: And some shots of the ground floor: And that's it, feel free to download and play if you have the Mythic Maps. And this is only the first working version atm, supports Team Slayer/Slayer and CTF (I maxed out the objects again). Possible changes to later versions may include the removal of the sky platform, but we'll see.
Cool map, I don' know why but it reminds me of a Halo 2 map. However the clumsyness of the teleporter in the crypt and the place in the sky spoils it
Thanks! The sky platform may only be a temporary thing, not sure yet really. Right now, you can only get to it in the first 3 minutes of any game. There's only me and my wife testing it out, so we'll see what other responses come from it; I'm sure either way there will be some tweaking later one.
I would look into the point for the kill balls. They may look cool, but the sound could be distracting and could become an annoyance to players. In respect to the other area of the map in the sky bubble, I would advise removing it, as it takes away from the rest of the map, and the idea of having the power weapons at the beggining of the game while is less common, is less popular.
The stash of weapons in the skybox pretty much kills your map. Think about it, why would anyone go back down to the main map if they have 5+ weapons at there disposal? They will just camp it like mad with their eyes on the teleporter because its the only way up there. I would suggest you delete the armoury and cover the crypt hole. Your map will definitely be used more. Also like the guy above me said plus a bit extra. Only use killballs if they play an important role in your map (not just aesthetics) or they are place far away from the map itself (looking awesome but no irritating sound!)
is this like a vehical only map, where smart driving and good gunning is the only way to win or can you run around on foot and do just as well, because I'm working on a map like that anyways, you should add a discription to your post and a list of wepons and vehicals, just to make it easier for the viewer. I would recommend deleting the kill balls, but thats only a persinal opinion and vendetta against useless obejects on maps, but other than that it looks ok. The top level could be straightened out a bit, it looks a little bumby.. Hope to see a V2
Kill balls are loud, bright and annoying to say the least and honestly do not make for good aesthetics. Oh and you do not put all the weapons or in your case power weapons next to each other, just remember this rule, armory=BAD. As far as the rest of the forging, it is sub par at best.