Title: Monkey Wrench Link: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18463601 Gametypes: Slayer, KoTH, Oddball Players: 1v1 works best. 2v2 is pressing it for space and anything 3v3 or larger is insane! Forge Techniques Used: Unlimited $$$ Glitch, Floating Bojects, Interlocking Objects Welcome to Monkey Wrench, a 1v1 three leveled map that can turn the tide of a battle in an instant. The first level contains four hallways: two leading to elevators that will bring you up to the second floor, and two that are the exits to chutes coming down from the third level. The "Monkey Wrench" or Gravity Hammer, is located right in the middle of the 1st floor. Other weapons of the 1st floor are two Plasma Pistols located at the bottom of the "chutes". Directly above the Monkey Wrench is the Shotgun on the 2nd floor, which also is home to 2 Battle Rifles, frags, and a firebomb grenade. The Spanker is on the 3rd floor, along with 2 BR's, frags, and a Radar Jammer, which can cause havoc on a multi-leveled map like this. At the exits to the elevators lie Maulers. WEAPONS Grav Hammer x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Shotgun x1 Battle Rifle x4 Plasma Pistol x2 Mauler x2 Frag grenades and one firebomb witha 45 respawn. SCREENSHOTS Here's an overview of the whole map The "Monkey Wrench" spawns in the middle of the 1st floor Man-cannon elevators take you from the 1st to 2nd floor. This shows the Rocket and Radar Jammer on the 3rd floor, as well as a chute Chutes take you from the 3rd to the first floor The firebomb on the second level has a 45 second respawn. Please DL and Comment!