I saw a money glitched map that used this to place all the objects outside the level, it was pretty cool. (I claim no authorship of this map: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17416298&postRepeater1-p=1)
I feel like a bit of a noob, but whenever I tele-tap the top of the teleporter (the steel-ish triangular part) is still above ground, making me just appear above ground when i walk through the corresponding teleporter. Is this supposed to happen and I'm just stupid or is there something that I'm doing wrong?
Ah, so that's not supposed to happen? I look at it at about 65-180 degrees and am almost close enough that the teleporter goes out of my screen. I don't know what you mean by aim farther down though. I believe I am aiming as far down as possible.
What if you need all 24 double boxes or all 16 walls? You will be one short of every item, which kind of sucks. My last map used all of the double boxes and walls, and there was no way I could have made it without all of them. I will stick to the original FMGC map. I don't mind moving things around. --dc
Cool, these are well written and simple, unlike some other tutorials on glitching out of levels that I have seen.
hmm i was aware of the teleporter method, but not these other methods. very nice to know, thanks! :squirrel_rubberduck:
jesus christ dumb cat, you've got to be the most sinicle person ive ever met, cant you just give advice without judgement? you sound like you're too good for telling these guys how to do things
I tell you what dumb cat im going to delete all my old MGC maps and download these maps ASAP this is a great idea and i congratulate whoever did this, i had thought about doing this but it would take me too long, this will save me a lot of time
iv only messed with this a bit and it dose seem to be a bit of a messy biz tred to get outside of the fence on the pit finly managed to get a monitor out there and hes slam up aginst the fence and so is anything he makes so not exactly what i had in mind oh well i guess we will just have to be content with the current buildable area until the next map pack
I've just gotten into multiple areas on the Foundry beams below the roof, I've also figured out how to get outside of the map in the roof, but still be inside the map. I'll be posting the map with the teleporters to the different places after I fix it up a bit.
There has to be a way to get past automatic exploding. Couldn't you just completely overload the map? I really love getting off the maps. But there is no fun doing it anymore.
i thoroughly concur, it would be awsome in my opinion if it were possible to fly all the way over to the factory thing as seen outside foundry