[img width=800 height=666]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg181/Diehear/ActivateHaloscreencopy.jpg[/img] this is wat 343 Guilty Sparks desktop looks like title 343 Desktop©
Could be a lot better. The program windows are very badly done, and there are white corners around them where you didn't crop.
dude stfu and try to find sumtin good or suggest sumtin....just dont point out bad things......and thats how my program windows are
Learn to take constructive criticism, please. I'm not going to find 'sumtin' good when I don't see 'sumtin' good. I'm trying to help you make it better, into something that is actually respectable. If you still have the .PSD, send it over to me please and I'll fix it up and make it look more professional for you.
how is that constructive???its more like destructive! u dont WANT to find anything good. ur to lazy. and u werent suggesting anything u just said how bad it looked! :squirrel_rant:
I was suggesting ways you could make it better. i.e. by getting rid of the white edges around the windows. And if I'm lazy, how come I asked you to send me the .PSD so I could fix it for you?
Hah.. thaz my clairvoyancy at work.. LoL BTW.. the white corners from the cropping are kinda noticeable, but it doesn't take away from the joke.. **thumbs up!**
Here's one I made similar to it, has the same basic stuff, just, tweaked. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v198/DarkLink6235/PSP/GuiltySparkDesktop.png Took about a half hour.
Shhtop flaming.... it was constructive critism. And that one is really good, much better Fastforward!
Why would he be using Microsoft Windows XP? I like FF's better than yours, unfortunately. Yours looks like it was made in MS Paint. With some more advanced photoshop skills, it could be better.