what is your favorite 1v1 map most people that i have asked say gaurdian but i want your guys opinion on this topic and please no trash talk or negative comments please. one more thing what is your favorite weapon thebr or the ar the sniper or the rocket im just a little courios and wanted to ask.
1. Guardian is the best for 1v1. Most hiding places for when you hide on your opponent. XD 2. Sniper FTW.
Definetly MLG Guardian. MLG Amplified (yeah, I'm gonna say it), actually isn't half bad either. It provides proficient cover and line of sight. The placement of the Mauler isn't half bad either. It takes a lot of skill to be able to get the mauler of your opponent in a 1v1. The worst MLG 1v1 is Construct hands down.
in no real order: remedy/lithium guardian epitath (I said it) sewers bejeweled (Its my map,of course Im gonna say it) slate creek
There's too much camping/hiding (which takes absolutely no skill whatsoever) involved in Guardian for it to be a quality 1v1 map. The rest are just too big with the possible exception of Cold Storage. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but you should check out the map in the sig. You should also check out Greenhouse, it's one of the best user created 1v1s around. *toot*
I don't really know many of the more popular maps around here, so I'll keep my opinions to the Bungie-created maps. Guardian is decent, but I've gotta say I prefer Blackout or The Pit. Assembly is a pretty decent 1v1 map as well.
i think like mlg pit spot is a good one on one map and know i really thing sonme one sould make a new good one but on some maps their to many powers weapons and yeah they can camp so yeah that map or
squidhands 1v1 is amazing, but I forget what its called and there is one called greenhouse that is awesome as well.