Mythic DLC L-shaped corridor push

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by stupidpower, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. stupidpower

    stupidpower Ancient
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    I don't know did this before, but here goes...

    L-shape is a corridor in a shape of a L (duh), and is excellent for game types like griffball and corridor push.

    The gametype's aim is to push your "control" of the corridor to your opponent's base. It is basically a instant grab territories, but with much higher stakes. If you die, you will be forced back to the base and give the opponent quite alot of precious corridor length. If you take the coner by yourself, the enemy will have a clear target. So timing your team's rush is vital if you want to win the game.

    If your entire team dies, the enemy will have a clear route to your base, wiping out your control of the corridor majority, pushing you back to your base and restarting your assult.


    (4-16 players)

    All feedback will be appreciated.

    Map: L-shape
    gametype:Corridor storm

    EDIT:Sorry, In my time zone it is 12 hours ahead(from the US).... meaning I went to sleep then school right after posting.
    #1 stupidpower, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    This sounds pretty good, but you need to imbed pictures as a requirement. Here's a thread that can help you. I look forward to seeing this, it sounds brilliant.
  3. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    this map is not up to forgehub standards.
    it needs at least 3 embedded pictures, look it up on the site how.

    you have 24 hours or mods will lock this thread.
  4. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    umm yeah this isnt up to forge hub starnded youll here this like 10 time i bet you
    so yeah you go 24 hour and theirs a guide to it but i feel lazy to put it on this post but yeah you have 24 hours or foge hub will eat u jk but get picture
  5. Captain Forge

    Captain Forge Ancient
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    You have 9 hours from now on untill this thread is locked. If you want it saved, emblom a pic!
  6. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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