Punishment: After landing, the UNSC's first objective was to gain control of the Covenant energy plant. A asymetrical map Punishment can be played as Slayer, Assault, Capture the Flag, and KOTH. It is best played with four or more people with a max of eight per team. Red base and Blue base are clearly defined and are visually different so no mistake can be made on where you are on the map at anytime. In the middle the map there is a large structure known as the power station and is a key foot hold to control the map. Red Base Blue Base Laser Side Rocket side Snipe Power Station Inside Red Base You can see more shots Here Punishment V.2 Thanks for looking!!! DEATHPIMP72 H3ITWP Member.
I think this is a very well made map and it looks like the gameplay would be equally enjoyable. I also like that it isn't in the Skybubble
It looks like a very solid map, nice forging and of is also very asthetically pleasing I can see some nice battles goingnon on this map I plan ok downloading this map, very icely done 5/5 Ps good use of the ground floor on sandbox!!!
i like the feel of the map, also i can tell you really focused on your gameplay nice to see on map not made on skybubble
I tried to make a map that was ascetically pleasing without taking away from the gameplay. Both sides are very balanced and the power weapons are in the center making both teams have to engage in battle to control the center of the map from the start. I put the most time into my spawn points for all gametypes and all have been tested and work great. Flag and assault game types have been a lot of fun and have been very balanced as well as slayer. Please give the map a try I do not think anyone will be disappointed in the way the map looks and plays. Thanks for your time DEATHPIMP72 H3ITWP.
This looks like a pretty decent and balanced map. The structures are nice and I love the innovation of the kill ball in the center. Looks great for aesthetics and would probably add a good twist to gameplay. The only thing it looks a little crowded for a hog and the banshee might be overpowering. Other than that fantastic job. 8/10
Thanks for the feedback. As far as the Banshee being over pwered I have placed a missle pod for each base on the map and there is also a laser in center. The warthogs have play tested well and are of great use in objective games or to even control the outside of the map and push the enemies torwards the middle. I do have video of game play in my file share if anyone is intrested.
Looks like I have received a ton of views on the map but not much feedback. Please leave feedback wether you like the map or not. This is only my second attempt at forging and I am pretty happy with the results I got as it seems there has been a abundunace of maps in skybox as of late. Again any feedback would be great, thanks. DEATHPIMP72 H3ITWP Seems that there was a problem with Banshee spawns being set to soon that has been rectified. Thanks for the heads up guys. DEATHPIMP72 H3ITWP
I had a lot of fun playing a couple of games on this a couple of nights back. Some good Banshee action too! I'd recommend that a few more of you give this a download.
Thanks Octo!!! I have been getting some great feedback from Bungie.net and from H3ITWP and it has all been great. DEATHPIMP72 H3ITWP
i like it very much - lots of cover and seemingly great gameplay. i only have one issue with this though: it's that there seems to be too much "stuff" (?). idk, just a feeling, and you dont have to pay attention to me, but still; just my opinion
Nothing wrong with your opinion. I put a lot of emphasis on cover. The reason being that there is 2 Banshees and 2 Warthogs and I want to make sure ground movement was able to be made even if all four were going. Everything also is able to be jumped up to so there is also two levels of fighting that can take place. Update, Shishka has given me some sound advise into my spawns and I have went ahead and made a version two of this map with revamped spawn points. It is now in the updated OP. Thanks, DEATHPIMP72 H3ITWP
I played on this with you guys once, and I've messed around with it on my own. I really like it, bro! Nice work (especially for your first forge)! That's pretty sweet that Shishka gave you some advice on the map. I'll have to check out v2.
Finally got a chance to play test the map with all new redone spawns. Map play is very good and should be a lot of fun for anyone that has downloaded it. Here is the footage from my file share if anyone is interested. Slayer Multi-flag One Bomb Thanks, DEATHPIMP72 H3ITWP
awsome map because u made the simple idea and took the original idea of two bases and expressed it good work 4.5/5 nothings perfect
Thanks!!! The game play has been great on it. Everyone that tested it was surprised that there was not a domintating place on the map and fighting was all over the place and mot contained to the middle.
i havent got a chance to test this map just yet so i am going to come back to this post but also id like to ask is it just the red base that gets a turret or was the turret just dead when you took the pic of the blue base because if not a bit unfair for the blues. also the map itself looks very original i like the use of the killbal as a death pit seems like it will be the center of attention. im not sure how it plays yet but ill reseve my spot and give you a rating soon
Both bases have turrets. For some reason, it is just not showing as well in the picture of the Blue base, but it is there.