Foundz Play Pit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Mar 19, 2009.


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    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Foundz Play Pit


    Hello again FH!
    Today I finished a map that I think is as good and as fun as free roaming infection well ever get. I know, People say things like this all the time, but take it from the people who tested it, and just cant get enough of my latest map Foundz Play Pit!
    So this map is all about doing what you want and going where you want just to live from those zombies. But the main problem with these kind of maps is that they are not fair, and lack fun game-play. People playing the maps some how find cheats spots and defects that destroy what the map was made for. Things like this include finding a way out of the main play area, wart hogs and machine guns camped in a long hallway, or objects such as crates and barriers blocking passageways so that the infected can not move effectively as they should. And the sad part is allot of games are like this when play infection. Luckily Foundz Play Pit decreases this, thus letting the map play smoothly and nicely. While testing the map, I saw how much fun a well played maps can really get when playing foundry infection maps.

    As a better understanding of what to look for and what to do, I well show the pics and explain a little about them. The game-type and other information well come afterwords.














    Game-type: Its the same as my other game-type HC infection which has the zombies very strong, and the humans taking 3 hits before dying. Humans start off with an smg and their shields never recharge.

    Note: Updates well be made when needed. Questions or comments? You know where to MSG me. (Forge Hub)
    Update has just been made. Game-type and map has been changed to fit the proper game-play needs. The map has all cheat spots and defects fixed including the double jump on the single boxes, and the door blocking the railing along the foundry walls. The game-type has changed all zombies slower with head-shots disabled.
    For more details, MSG me here on FH. Thank You.


    #1 IxXROADKILLXxI, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2009
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Looks good. The map itself looks amazing. And coupled with infection, it makes for one helluva game. This looks really fun to play. Good job on the aesthetics. You've made Foundry seem...bigger. Good job. 8/10.
    #2 mastersync23, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    This map looks very well forged. Some of the pics almost look like its a Competitive map. I'm not a huge fan of infection, but I will have to get a game going on this. The gametype sounds a lot more fun than the weak/fast zombies of old. Lemme know if you are getting together a game on it. GT: Rogue Shaddo
  4. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    From first sight, this map looks very well forged....from second looks very well forged lol, nah sorry, im a lil tipsy, alrighty onto the map. Ive never been a fan of infection maps either because they always consist of like....a specified path that your supposed to travel throughout the map, which is a concept ive never liked. Your map on the other hand has given infection a new freedom, one that i purely love. Im sorry but im too lazy to check every single picture in detail but from what i did look at, it seems like a very neat and well layouted map. I especially like that fence box in the boxes :D

    5/5 keep up the good work
  5. Deathreaper204

    Deathreaper204 Ancient
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    Looks pretty good. This must be why you couldn't come to my party earlier, but it's all good. You'll have to show me in person. I rate it 4 out of 5, just from the pics. Im out IxRoyalReaperxI.

    P.S. Keep up the forging buddy and message me when you are on your next I would like to see what's been going on inside that head of yours since I haven't played with you lately =)
  6. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW looks very playable 10/5 LOL =D
  7. Coley349

    Coley349 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow Looks Very Good I Am Just About To Download I Will Give You Feed Back
  8. Coley349

    Coley349 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My Friends Love It We Tryed It on Infection But It didn't Work but all types of slayer are awesome
  9. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMG I never seen an infection map this great. good job. 5/5
  10. Rayne379

    Rayne379 Ancient
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    I like how there's multiple buildings, and you can't just camp in one big building with a ton of weapons.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    An update has been made to the map and gametype. Read the bottom of the thread to see more about the update.

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