Obelisk Decription- This was once a Forerunner station. Now it's home for war. This a symmetrical two base map. Made for 4-12 players. I would recommend 16 for total fun and enjoyment Weapons- Sniper Rifle, Mauler, SMGs, Brute Spikers, Plasma Pistols,Grenades. [/URL] Reason for one picture it's same on both sides. Download link- Halo 3 File Details Sorry for the description forgot to change it. LOL! Also give credit to Royal Bloodbath.
This looks very small for 16 people, but if you have tested it numerous times, and it still works, then great, but I doubt it. THe forging looks good, but it looks small, and that shield door promotes lots of camping with power weapons. The sniper is pointless, and it looks difficult to get anywhere on the map (just because its symmetrical does't mean its ok to put one picture). Anyway, I think this could use some work.
Well the sheild door does promote camping, but there is ways of killing the person in there yes it is small but if you want craziness try 16 players but it could cause problems
like most people have said it looks far to small maybe this map would be good for a one v one. i will download and see how the map is and how big it is since you only have one picture you cant really tell how bigit is looks good though 3.5/5
yes, sorry to say but this map is terrible... me and one friend had trouble playing on it without seeing eachother spawn... and interlocking was not done very well... sorry
I blinked and I missed it... Seriously though, 16 people in that small thing? I don't think so... not unless you like spamming grenades and getting random kills that have nothing to do with skill... If that one picture is the entire map, I might as well ask if a spartan can actually fit in there! Sorry man... I didn't mean to rant... well actually i did, but lets look at the upside... It has pretty good interlocking, and from what I can see, It has a good layout... so nice try, but... CAN I HAZ BIGAR???
Yeah, the sheild door and the maulers = campfest, and due to the size of the map people are always going to see it making it even more tempting. Also 16 players? Im sure that would be a spawnkill fest. But I will test and see this weekend. A picture from the ground would help me get a better clue of the map size.