MLG Quadratix

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by ZKilla, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. ZKilla

    ZKilla Ancient
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    MLG Quadratix is a map that was inspired by Onslaught. This map provides great gameplay that supports strategy based teamwork and a fast paced, smooth play through with Objective and Slayer based games (KOTH, TS, and CTF). This map can be compared to Onslaught because of its appearance and how it plays, although some alterations had been made to this map that separated its gameplay from Onslaught’s. First off, the spawn trapping ability that Onslaught supported has been greatly reduced, but not eliminated. I did this by placing more spawns in appropriate locations of the map, but if your team is able to set up properly, it is possible to create a decent spawn trap. The map also has suitable amount of cover where it is needed, similar to Onslaught’s cover.

    Weapon List
    BR x 10
    Covenant carbine x6
    Sniper rifle x 2 (1 spare clip) spawn rate: 120
    Mauler x 2 (0 spare clips) spawn rat: 180

    Now for Pictures!!!

    Blue base from afar

    Red Base from afar


    The Mid structure


    Blue corner

    Red Corner

    The sniper spawn (top of each corner)


    Spawns (on bases)


    Spawns (under bridges)


    Some cover on top of the ramps


    Halo 3 File Details


    Halo 3 File Details

    I hope everyone enjoys the map, please let me know what you think of it and what changes you think should be made, all positive critisism is welcom
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Looks great and very mlg style but it seems to be lacking some cover in the middle. From the pictures its hard to judge the actual size and proportions of the objects because the room is so big, but i think it still needs more cover. I would put two large pillars above the the little bunkers on the sides (not directly on top of them, but floating a bit) to obscure the lines of sight. Other than that it looks like a pretty fun map, nice and competitive

    Also, i think it would be a good idea to include a close up of red and blue base
  3. ZKilla

    ZKilla Ancient
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    Thanks for the tips, im going to be uploading some more pics tomorrow, and i'll be sure to include some close ups of the bases.

    Also if anyone would like to help with some gameplay testing, you can send me a friend request, just include with the friend request a message that says something like "forge hub" because i don't have very many friends who have the mythic maps and i need some more testing on this map so that i can make some adjustments to everything. My gamertag is i R ZKiLla
  4. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    yeah, it looks pretty good, but from what i can see, it is waaaay too open.
    the mid. provides some cover, but it looks like you can see most parts of the map from most parts of the map.

    I like the bases, but V2 def/ needs more cover.
  5. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    This looks uninspired, its in need of more cover, the sides are too much of apower position since theyre situated so high up and have some cover, and your spawns look like bungies (which means they suck).

    Oh and btw no map should be inspired by onslaught since it was a terrible map that promoted spawn killing and was WAY too basic.
  6. awsome forge friend

    Senior Member

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    nice map it looks like it has very good game play.
  7. ZKilla

    ZKilla Ancient
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    if you play the map, you'll soon come to realise that the spawns are actually really well placed and only support minimal spawn killing, try reading the whole post before saying stuff like that, it makes u sound rly ignorant. i do agree that a v2 might need more cover, but i talked to alot of people who tested this map with me and questioned the spawns and the cover, and they said that it didnt need alot more cover and they said it had great spawns. another thing is that the cover that the ramps have aren't so much of an advantage because its extremely easy to reach them with nades. trust me on this one and play the map before you try to negatively critisize it.
  8. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Look, i know a hell of a lot more about mlg and level design then you do and im telling you that the sides are way overpowered. They have cover, theyre elevated too much compared to the rest of the map, and each has a sniper. How about you try something more original than a few bridges that go along a wall at a slant.

    Also its extremely easy to realize that you dont know what youre doing with spawns. If you did then you would know that you dont need multiple respawn points right next to each other and would only have them in safe, effective places.

    Oh and btw testing isnt meant to only take a few days, if youre testing a map only for a few days then theres no point. If youre already talking about a v2 then that proves that your testing had almost no purpose. my map Lateralus had over a month of testing and it hasnt needed a single update. Im not saying you need a months worth of testing but i am saying you should at least test for a week or more.
  9. KONGx74x

    KONGx74x Ancient
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    I think this is a sweet map, when i first got on it I immediately thought that it was too open in the middle, and the bases didnt have enough height/cover. But after a few tests I realized that it plays way better than I thought, great map Zkilla, i would be happy to test more and help with a v2
  10. ZKilla

    ZKilla Ancient
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    thanks, man. if ur on today, we'll run through it a few times. i have a few more ppl to run a custom on it and if not we can just find some random ppl in the mythic playlist to play.
  11. ZKilla

    ZKilla Ancient
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    oh, and this one's for you hezbolla. this was my first full attempt at an MLG map, so take it easy, and if you honestly think that you know more about MLG than me, the just compare our service records... you are a colonel grade 2, and im a 5star general. my level in MLG is higher than your highest skill. im sure that you're great at forge, which i can see in in the maps you made, but as a skilled player i can honestly say that this map takes alot of teamwork and skill to pull off the win.
  12. tehUBERn00blet

    tehUBERn00blet Ancient
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    I agree completely with this guy. If only you could just shrink the size of the room and squish everything together just a bit, and add some more cover, it would be perfect.

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