I've got a question, so I brought it to the brilliant folks here at ForgeHub. Why not? I'm taking 125mg Topamax twice a day for migraines. It's the only medicine I take. I've noticed recently that sometimes my vision gets a little messed up... As in if something's moving it gets a bit of a blur to it. Kind of like "The Flash" cartoons, if that makes any sense? But anyway, that's not my real question, because that doesn't really bother me THAT bad... I was playing Halo 3, I got up, turned my 360 off, opened my door and got extremely lightheaded and I blacked out... I could still feel everything, though... it was like I was dreaming. My arms started to move on their own and just hit against the door and when I finally snapped out of it, I had to think of where I was, even though I was in my own room, and then it seemed like hours after when I had gotten up, even though it had only been seconds. Even after that, I still had to regain my balance and my arms were still moving on their own. My grandma heard me when my arms were hitting against the door and thought I was walking down the hallway and just lost my footing, and she said I was doing it for about 10 seconds. So, altogether it was probably about... 20 or 25 seconds long of me not being able to control my body. The first thing I thought of was a seizure... Then I thought since this has all been happening since I've been taking my medicine that it could be a side effect of it, but blurred vision is the the only thing Topamax has going for it on that division... Anyone's insight? PS Sorry if that didn't make any sense, haha.
Migraine's are also a sign of brain tumors. This family I know, their daughter suddenly got really bad migraines and was having trouble like that... took her into the Doctor after a week. Took a head X-Ray or something, Doctor told her she had 36 hours to live... She died at hour 35...
It might be a worm also, I remember watching a show on TV about parasites and there was one woman who had brain worms then she had migraines then a seizure. Luckily she lived close by to a hospital that specializes in that kind of thing and they gave her meds to fix it up. She was fine afterwards. Not to scare you or anything just telling what you might need to do like getting it checked out.
Go to the doctor IMMEDIATELY. Please do not seek medical advice on an internet forum. Talk to a qualified practitioner. In your case, it sounds very serious, and you need to investigate the cause as soon as possible.
I have no clue, but you should definitely consult your doctor and some legitimate health sites like WebMD or something. I used to get migraines a lot, but they are pretty controlled now. Do you drink lots of water, because I find that is very helpful when you feel one coming on. EDIT: Shock said it much better than I ever could. Oh and Slashe, that's interesting but seems unlikely especially if he has already had some tests done.
I'm going to go to the doctor tomorrow, I'm just worried now, and I can't really find the answer by myself... partly due to my laziness.
Drug Information for Topamax Oral - WebMD "Does this medication have side effects? The following side effects are associated with Topamax Oral: Common side effects: Problems with Eyesight Severe -- Drowsiness Severe Cannot Focus Thoughts Severe Loss of Memory Severe Dizzy Severe Uncoordinated Severe -- Feeling Weak Severe Confused Severe Breast Tenderness Less Severe Rare side effects: Inability to have an Erection Severe -- Bleeding Not Related to Menstrual Period Less Severe -- Sensation of Spinning or Whirling Less Severe -- Head Pain Less Severe -- Premature Ejection of Semen Less Severe" Just listing some of the side effects of this medicine that relate to your problem (and some which are just funny). So, it's probably from the medicine. Most medicines like this will thin your blood or just somehow make it harder for oxygen to quickly rush to your brain, which if you got up quickly, would cause what you experienced. Ignore Shock. He's not a doctor. I've studied medical theory and practice for about 2 years in my spare time. My semi-professional (not at all) opinion: It's probably nothing and is most likely related to your medicine. However, since I don't want to get sued in case your brain explodes, I suggest going to the doctor. (Hey, waddya know. I guess you can listen to Shock )
The whole blood thinning thing that Whisper said sounds likely, but I think the best thing for you is sleep. It lets your body maintain homeostasis more easily or something like that, and you'll cool down.
Here's one thing I think someone should read though... Okay, my fingers go numb a lot and I called my neurologist and asked if it was because of my medicine and he told me no, that I should go to my regular physician, that it could be a problem... Funny thing is, I never did, and when I went to my physician for a check up, she saw that I was taking Topamax and was like "Hey, I'm just starting on taking that, too! Have your fingers started going numb yet?" So... Conflicting views by my doctors.
Uhh, thanks for scarring the kid more? And my mother is on topomax. She says thats a high dose, and should be really taken once a day. And have you been diagnosed with epilepsy? The medication is really for epilepsy, it wasnt made for migraines. Its still basically under a trial basis. Most people usually take it once a day at night. She says it might be to high of a dosage for you, try cutting it to one pill. You want to basically take the minimum dosage possible, which could be as low as 50mg. This medication made for epilepsy, not for migranes. so 75% chance its a side effect. Try to lower your dosage to the minimum that controls the migrane. So yes, this is a likely a side effect, so dont worry to much. If it keeps occuring, try going to a neurologist to get some info. Hope this helps!
Well he was kinda on Xbox Live today so me think he are k. Unless his grandma was substituting for him....
Yeah, I'm okay. I just don't get on the computer nearly as much as I get on my Xbox. I went to the doctor. They took two tubes of blood testing one for mono (I doubt that) and one to see if my electrolytes are low. Then I had another blackout while I was in the car, although I just couldn't see anything... I wasn't driving or anything, thank God. Still kinda funny, though, I was listening to Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds" It was like he was consoling me, "Everything's gonna be alright." And to Huntar, I have not been diagnosed with epilepsy. He prescribed topamax specifically for my migraines.
M.D. is my M.O. And you should take some Barbiturates and Opiates. It'll easy the severity of your side effects.
It sounds a bit like an epileptic seizure; could well have had nothing to do with the migraine pills whatsoever (they may have triggered it though). Although Shock gives the best advice. Go see a doctor Don't drive there though...